A Comprehensive Guide to Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is a term coined for the inflammation of the sacroiliac joints that may occur due to many traumatic and non-traumatic causes.

These joints connect the pelvis to the lower spine and are supported by strong ligaments. The most important function of the sacroiliac joint is to absorb the shock caused by impacts between the upper body and the pelvis and legs.

There are certain conditions that cause inflammation of these joints, and such situations are painful. Sacroiliitis may make it difficult for the person to walk or stand for long periods. Sometimes, the condition is so severe that only surgical intervention can provide relief.

Joint fusion surgery is often performed to treat sacroiliitis and that requires the application of Orthopedic Trauma Implants.

This post will be dedicated to talking about sacroiliitis in detail.

What is Sacroiliitis?

Also known as sacroiliac joint dysfunction, sacroiliitis is the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint(s) that causes pain in the buttocks and the lower spine.

Sometimes, the pain also moves down to one or both legs. The symptoms noticed in this case are similar to the ones seen in other orthopedic conditions, and hence, this makes the diagnosis of sacroiliitis difficult.

Inflammation of sacroiliac joints can be due to multiple causes that may be traumatic or non-traumatic. The symptom of the condition also depends upon the type of cause. Let us have a look at the symptoms associated with the condition.

What Are the Symptoms?

The most common symptoms experienced by people suffering from sacroiliitis include pain in the lower back and around the hips. It is often noticed that the pain also radiates down to the leg. Some activities may increase the intensity of pain, and they may include:

  • Prolonged periods of standing
  • Athletic activities like running
  • Long strides
  • Climbing stairs
  • Putting more weight on one leg

What Are the Causes?

Some of the common causes of the condition include:

Traumatic injuries: Trauma is among the commonest causes of sacroiliitis as a direct sudden impact can damage the sacroiliac joint(s), and this may cause inflammation. This could occur due to automobile accidents.

Arthritis: Arthritis is a type of joint inflammation that can occur in any of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the major cause of inflammatory sacroiliac joint known as sacroiliitis.

Pregnancy: The increased weight during pregnancy is known to put stress on the sacroiliac joints, and this may cause inflammation. Besides this, during childbirth, these joints stretch and become loose, and this may also be the reason for sacroiliitis.

Infection: Inflammation caused to sacroiliac joints due to infection is rare, but still, this cause cannot be ignored.

How is the Condition Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of the condition is made by physical examination at first where the healthcare service provider will examine the painful areas by asking the patient to move his/her legs in different directions.

To confirm the damage to the joints, an x-ray examination will be ordered, and if required, MRI will also be performed?

How is the Condition Treated?

The treatment of sacroiliitis will be based on the diagnostic reports. If the condition is not serious, medicines like analgesics, TNF inhibitors, and muscle relaxants will be suggested. Physical therapy can improve joint function along with strength.

Sometimes, corticosteroids may also be injected into the joint to curb pain & inflammation.

Surgery is recommended in severe cases where joint fusion is performed.

For CE-certified range of trauma implants required for the treatment of sacroiliitis and other orthopedic conditions, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. The company is also looking for reliable orthopedic implant distributors in Lithuania to expand its market reach.