A defiant Bannon WILL stick by Roy Moore

A source close to Steve Bannon told DailyMail.com Wednesday afternoon that the former White House chief strategist will not abandon Alabama Senate hopeful Roy Moore, despite the flurry of sex abuse allegations. 

Bannon, who’s currently traveling in Japan, plans to appear alongside Moore at a December 5 campaign rally, the source confirmed. 

‘The Drudge Report is entirely fake news, he stands with Moore,’ the source said, pointing to a Drudge headline – ‘Bannon Turns on Judge Whore?’ – which linked to a Daily Beast report that said Bannon was quietly taking the temperate of those in his inner circle about the Moore sex abuse allegations. 

A source tells DailyMail.com that Steve Bannon will stick by Roy Moore (pictured) the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama who he endorsed - and who has been accused by multiple women of sexual abuse

A source tells DailyMail.com that Steve Bannon (left) will stick by Roy Moore (right) the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama he endorsed – and who has been accused by multiple women of sexual abuse

In the meantime, Roy Moore is trying to keep Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity at his side. Hannity gave him 24 hours to clear up 'inconsistencies' with his stories. Moore put out an open letter to Hannity Wednesday night 

In the meantime, Roy Moore is trying to keep Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity at his side. Hannity gave him 24 hours to clear up ‘inconsistencies’ with his stories. Moore put out an open letter to Hannity Wednesday night 

And while President Trump has kept quiet on the matter, Ivanka Trump spoke out Wednesday saying that there is a 'special place in hell for people who prey on children' 

And while President Trump has kept quiet on the matter, Ivanka Trump spoke out Wednesday saying that there is a ‘special place in hell for people who prey on children’ 

On Wednesday, two more women spoke out, through AL.com, with a Tina Johnson saying at age 28 Moore groped her in his legal office when she was there with her mother.

Another woman, Kelly Harrison Thorp, remembers Moore asking her out when she was a hostess at the local Red Lobster restaurant, when she was 17. 

Seven women have now spoken on-the-record about Moore’s behavior, saying that he dated and inappropriately touched teens, with one woman, Beverly Nelson Young, saying he attempted to rape her when she was 16-years-old. 

As additional accusers have stepped out, Moore and also Bannon, who endorsed the Alabama Senate candidate to begin with, have become more defiant. 

The Bannon insider told DailyMail.com that the allegations were coming from ‘locusts in the fake news media,’ adding that they are ‘fake attacks from New York City and Washington, D.C., by the swamp that Roy Moore intends to drain when he wins the election.’ 

Moore sang a similar tune on Twitter today. 

Roy Moore's lawyer called into question this signature found in accuser Beverly Young Nelson's 1977 yearbook. Moore's attorney floated a theory of how it could be a fraud 

Roy Moore’s lawyer called into question this signature found in accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s 1977 yearbook. Moore’s attorney floated a theory of how it could be a fraud 

‘The Republicans and Democrats who did everything they could to stop Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton are the very same people who are now trying to take us down with lies and smears,’ he said. 

Moore’s attorney Phillip Jauregui tried to poke holes in Nelson’s story Wednesday by suggesting that the signature she says is Moore’s signature – written ‘Roy Moore D.A.’ – in her 1977 yearbook is a fraud. 

The lawyer suggested Moore’s accuser, Nelson, had lied when she said she had no further contact with the Alabama candidate after the incident, as the her divorce proceedings were before Judge Moore in 1999.    

Jauregui explained that Moore’s assistant in the late 90s had the initials ‘D.A.’ and would sign his initials alongside legal documents he would stamp with Moore’s signature.  

‘That’s exactly how the signature appears on the divorce decree that Judge Moore signed dismissing the divorce action with Miss Nelson,’ Jauregui said. 

Moore told the same story to Sean Hannity, who had been supportive of the Republican candidate, though began expressing doubt. 

Hannity had give Moore 24 hours to clean up ‘inconsistencies’ in his rebuttals. 

‘I believe tampering has occurred,’ Moore wrote in a public letter to the Fox News Channel host about the signature, Wednesday night. 

On Capitol Hill, Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have been running away from this race. 

McConnell has no reason to stand alongside Moore, who’s among the Bannon-backed Republicans who are calling the the leader’s ouster. 

At the same time, the White House doesn’t seem to know what side to play. 

Since returning from his 12-day trip to Asia, President Trump hasn’t spoken on the matter. 

The president was haunted by a smattering of sex assault and harassment accusations shortly before his own election last year, prompted by the release of the infamous Access Hollywood ‘p****y tape.’ 

More recently a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders if ‘the official White House position [is] that all of these women are lying.’ 

‘Yeah, we have been clear on that from the beginning and the president has spoken on it,’ Huckabee Sanders said at an October press briefing about the Trump-focused allegations. 

One prominent White House staffer did chime in – Trump’s daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump. 

‘There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,’ the first daughter said in an interview with the Associated Press. 

‘I’ve yet to see a valid explanation [from Moore] and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts,’ she added. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk