A detailed guide on FUE hair transplant

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is one of the popular hair transplant methods. Many people are navigating towards getting FUE surgery done to regrow their lost hair. When asked surgeons of FUE hair transplant in Pune  they gave us a detailed guide on the FUE procedure for hair transplant

What is a FUE Hair transplant?

FUE hair transplant is done by extracting the DHT free healthy follicle from the hair fall resistant area in your scalp and implanting it to the spot where the hair is thinner or absent.

FUE was established to replace the FUT(Follicular unit transplantation) surgery. FUT is usually done by extracting an entire piece of the scalp and its follicles and implanting the scalp or skin on the bald spot.

FUE has become more efficient than FUT now due to its easy transplantation method. Micro Punches are used to make the follicle extraction process very seamless. FUE also gives a natural look to the hair whereas a FUT surgery makes the implanted hair look different from the original hair giving it a hair plug look.

Who can undergo a FUE hair transplant?

A person with a thinning hair or bald scalp with at least some hair left in the nearby areas would be the best candidate for this type of hair transplant.

The experts of a FUE hair transplant in Pune say that if there is no healthy or thick hair at least at some spots then that person cannot undergo an FUE hair transplant.

How does FUE work?

Each individual has a different hair growth cycle.

You might face hair loss as you grow older and get into the phase of weak follicles. This phase might happen for some in the 20s while for others it may be in their 30s. It all depends on the individual’s hair growth cycle and their lifestyle and genetics.

FUE hair transplant works by implanting the healthy follicle at the place of the old follicle. These newly placed follicles will be nourished by blood vessels and aid in the regrowth of the hair in the previously bald spots.

Is FUE Hair transplant safe and convenient?

The FUE hair transplant method is claimed safe by the transplant surgeons. However, it has minor side effects like a white scar in the spot where follicles were extracted. Some serious side effects may lead to tissue death or infection.

After a FUE hair transplant, you will experience common side effects like swelling, sensitive scalp, and bruising.

Make sure to visit your doctor if you have the following side effects:

  • Infection
  • Swelling around the operated spot
  • Bleeding
  • Variation in the look of the transplanted hair
  • Extreme hair loss even after transplantation
  • Numbness and sensitivity near the operated spot

FUE is also extremely convenient when compared to other types of hair transplant surgeries.

There are two types of sessions for a FUE transplant

  1. A 2 to 4-hour session that occurs over several days
  2. A mega session that takes place for over 12 hours

You also no need to be admitted to undergo a FUE session. You can go home after each session and come back the next day. FUE requires no routine change. You can continue to do things as you were already doing. But just keep in mind not to engage in any rigorous workout and do not wash your hair for at least a week after the surgery.

Does FUE hair transplant cost more?

There is no fixed rate for a FUE transplant. Usually, the price varies depending upon the quantity of the hair that needs to be transplanted and the experience of the surgeon.

The approximate cost for an FUE surgery might range between $4000 to $20000 per session.

Note that most health insurance does not cover the cost of cosmetic surgery so you would have to pay the money out of your pocket. You will also need to take care of any other costs pertaining to side effects, medication, etc.

Another factor you need to consider is no company covers a hair transplant surgery under medical leave. So you need to take an off of 3 to 4 days to rest after the surgery.

What after a FUE treatment?

The recovery from FUE is rapid when compared to the FUT treatment. Below are some of the instructions you need to follow to have a smooth after effect of the surgery

  • Do not immerse your hair in water for at least 3 days
  • Use a natural shampoo for a few weeks
  • No rigorous workout for a week
  • Take rest for at least 3 to 4 days
  • No combing your new hair for 3 weeks

FUE hair transplant can be the most effective method to regain your hair if done rightly!