A father is banned from seeing his kids over his fetish for wearing nappies

Father banned from seeing his kids over his fetish for wearing nappies claims he is being discriminated against for his bizarre lifestyle – and is taking his fight to the High Court

  • A nappy-wearing father has been banned from seeing his children by a court 
  • His ex-wife took legal action after he began wearing nappies around the kids 
  • The man claims it’s harmless, he is being discriminated against and will appeal  

A father who was banned from seeing his children because he has a fetish for wearing nappies claims he is being discriminated against. 

The man, who cannot legally be named, was prevented from seeing the kids he shares with his ex-wife by the Family Court of Australia.

His former partner took legal action claiming his behaviour – which she was previously aware of – had intensified to the point he ‘would wear certain garments around the home’. 

As the couple’s children grew older, the woman was concerned they could be negatively affected, but the father refused to see a counsellor. 

A father has been banned from seeing his kids by a court because he has a diaper-wearing fetish (stock image)

The pair – who met in the mid-2000s – then split and agreed to share parenting duties provided the man kept his bizarre lifestyle away from the children. 

But the woman told the court that on one occasion in 2019, he collected them from her house with a nappy ‘partially exposed’ and she decided to take legal action. 

He appealed the original 2021 court ban on seeing his children but this was rejected on April 13, prompting him to claim he will continue his case in the High Court.

Justice Hilary Hannan from the Family Court said the man had not ‘satisfactorily addressed the issues of risk’ to the children. 

‘I have great reservations and ultimately do not accept that the father has an authentic willingness or ­capacity to disavow engaging in the behaviours in question and in his connections to the community,’ Justice Hannam said.

In an email to The Daily Telegraph, the man said Justice Hannam’s decision was ‘horrendous and unjust’ and denied his children would be exposed to his fetish. 

He claimed he was being discriminated against because of his association with the ‘Adult Baby-Diaper Lover’ community. 

‘I feel for and have always respected other minority identities who have been persecuted or treated differently just for being who they are,’ he wrote.

The man said he would appeal to the High Court of Australia (pictured)

The man said he would appeal to the High Court of Australia (pictured) 

‘What I choose to do in the privacy of my own home without any children present is my business. It is a harmless ­activity and affects no one.’ 

But Justice Hannan in her decision said that it was ‘inevitable’ the children would be exposed to the father’s behaviours, which would likely cause psychological harm. 

She added they would also be subjected to ridicule if his links to the community were exposed. 

The woman’s lawyer claimed Justice Hannam’s decision was a ‘landmark’ ruling. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk