A pro cricketer’s life-changing accident taught her that a little kindness can go a long way

Pro-cricketer and iron woman Kath Koschel’s life changing accident taught her that a little kindness can go a long way – and now she wants to share her message

Ex-NSW cricketer Kath Koschel founded Kindness Factory in 2015 with a mission to educate people on the societal value of acts of kindness

When it comes to resilience, they don’t come much tougher than ex-professional cricketer and iron woman Kath Koschel. The inspiring Aussie has faced more adversity than most of us will ever experience, but still can see the good in people, starting a global movement to spread kindness, while overcoming what can only be described as a horrific run of bad luck.

Koschel has taught herself to walk again not once, but on three separate occasions, after breaking her back twice, essentially ending her promising athletic career. When she then she lost her partner, the love of her life to suicide, it pushed her terrifyingly close to the edge, but through her astounding bravery, Koschel was able to create joy out of sorrow, to become one of Australia’s youngest CEOs and the founder of the global movement and not-for-profit organisation Kindness Factory.

Every year Kindness Factory aims to raise awareness and drive action on World Kindness Day

Every year Kindness Factory aims to raise awareness and drive action on World Kindness Day 

Ex-NSW cricketer Kath Koschel’s story is one of inspiration and utter strength; from a hospital bed defying a prognosis of paralysis to setting up a global movement that drives her everyday desire to create a world where people are kinder to one another.

There have been more than a few significant bumps along the way, but Kath has never let the setbacks get the better of her. With her physical and mental resilience, Koschel has pulled herself through challenges that most of us could not comprehend, without letting them defy her belief that we all have the capacity for kindness.

Koschel was able to create joy out of sorrow, to become one of Australia's youngest CEOs

Koschel was able to create joy out of sorrow, to become one of Australia’s youngest CEOs

Kindness Factory is on a mission to make the world a kinder place. With a focus on communities and school programs, Kindness Factory also funds valuable research and insights into kindness, collaborating with like-minded people and organisations who share their passion for kindness.

Every year Kindness Factory aims to raise awareness and drive action on World Kindness Day. This year Kindness Factory is launching a national campaign with the support of UnLtd and their agency partners – Wavemaker and VMLY&R. This will be the first campaign of its kind for Kindness Factory with the goal of one million acts of Kindness across the month of November, helping to make the country a kinder place.

Koschel says the Kindness Factory’s mission is simple, ‘We hope to inspire all humans to play kind, have fun, stay connected with others, know when to reach out for help, exercise resilience and treat themselves, and the planet with dignity and respect.’

For more information on how you can become a part of this movement visit Kindness Factory 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk