Aberdeen teenager who stabbed pupil to death unmasked

Daniel Stroud (pictured during his trial in March 2016) can today be named as the person who killed Bailey Gwynee in school in Aberdeen 

The teenager who stabbed a fellow pupil to death at school with a knife he bought online in a row over a biscuit can today be named as Daniel Stroud.

The teenager killed Bailey Gwynee in the corridors of Cults Academy in Aberdeen in October 2015 following a ‘silly argument’ during their lunchbreak.

He was detained for nine years by a judge at the High Court in Edinburgh in April last year after he was found guilty of culpable homicide and carrying weapons.

As a then 16-year-old, Stroud was entitled to anonymity during the trial over Bailey’s death. But today, his identity can be revealed for the first time as he turns 18. 

Pictures taken during the trial, which can now be released for the first time, show Stroud wearing handcuffs and an all-black suit as he arrived at the court in March 2016.

During the trial, the High Court in Aberdeen heard the knife used in the stabbing had been bought online, without the killer having to prove his age.

Stroud regularly brought knives with him to Cults Academy in Aberdeen prior to the incident. 

The fight was said to have started over a biscuit and escalated when someone called Bailey’s mother fat. 

A teacher rushed to break-up the fight but Bailey, a fifth-year pupil with four younger brothers, died from bleeding caused by a single stab wound to the heart.

In a statement released on the first anniversary of Bailey’s death his family said: ‘It is through remembering all of the beautiful qualities that make Bailey such a special boy to us that we will find a path forward.

‘A boy with dearly held dreams, with a gentle heart, comic timing and an astronomical appetite. Our beloved boy who we were blessed to have for those sixteen years and is still the cherished centre of his family.

‘As a family we will always strive to be a credit to Bailey in the very same way that he is to us. We couldn’t have asked any more of him.

‘Our true gent and our beautiful boy. We’re proud of you, Bailey boy.’

Bailey (pictured), a fifth-year pupil with four younger brothers, died from bleeding caused by a single stab wound to the heart

Bailey (pictured), a fifth-year pupil with four younger brothers, died from bleeding caused by a single stab wound to the heart

An independent review, led by child protection expert Andrew Lowe, found Bailey’s death might have been avoided if those who knew his killer carried weapons had reported it to staff.

Announcing his findings in October last year, Mr Lowe made 21 recommendations, including calling on the Scottish Government to consider changing the law to give teachers more power to search pupils.

The Scottish Government said in January that it will not change the law to give teachers more power to search pupils.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said that giving teachers such powers would place them on the same footing as police officers which would radically change the teacher/pupil relationship, and potentially damage the school ethos and commitment to positive relationships that currently exists in Scottish schools. 







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