Aboriginal women brawl in quiet Geraldton Street

A terrifying street fight involving dozens of young Aboriginal women throwing punches, pulling hair and jumping on rivals the moment they hit the ground has been caught on camera. 

The fight broke out in a dead-end street in Geraldton, Western Australia – the words ‘ugly sl*t’ marked the road in bright white silly string, just metres from where the first punches were thrown.

The fight, which was filmed and posted to social media, appeared to start when two groups of women came together on the road.

A violent clash between a large group of Aboriginal women has filled the streets in Geraldton, Western Australia

Many of the women in attendance got involved in the fighting - others watched on

Many of the women in attendance got involved in the fighting – others watched on

It started with screaming but soon became violent – as women started throwing punches and attacking each other from behind.   

A man and some older women appeared to try to stop the fight – but were outnumbered by the swelling crowd who cheered each other on.

The young women involved in the violent clash appeared to congratulate each other on Facebook – but community elders have commented on the video and don’t appear to be impressed.

‘This was recorded and uploaded because this woman thought this behaviour was acceptable and worth boasting about,’ one woman said.

‘Yes white people fight in the street too. But our mob already has the stigma of “you lot are all drunks and violent” and with this getting so much attention it’s just reinforcing that stereotype and giving people against us justification to still think we are all like this,’ she continued – and others agreed.

‘Shameful. Makes us look like a pack of ferals. Learn how to talk and grow up. There’s bigger issues going on in the world you can use your energy and social media to promote,’ said another woman.

The words 'ugly sl*t' marked the road in bright white silly string near where the fight broke out

The words ‘ugly sl*t’ marked the road in bright white silly string near where the fight broke out

The women continued to hit each other after they had fallen on to the ground

The women continued to hit each other after they had fallen on to the ground

Some spectators tried to stop the fight but it continued to become more violent

Some spectators tried to stop the fight but it continued to become more violent

The young women were caught on camera throwing punches and pull hair

The young women were caught on camera throwing punches and pull hair

The conversation between the elders was deleted after a quarrel broke out – with some believing the fighting was justified but the social media coverage harmful. 

The original video has gone viral withing the Aboriginal community – with more than 1200 people sharing the original video uploaded on Saturday night.

Comments on the original video appear to show pride in the actions.

‘Three girls had them covered,’ said one woman.

Some wrestled on the ground as others bent in to help their friends

Some wrestled on the ground as others bent in to help their friends

The video was put on Facebook where it quickly went viral 

The video was put on Facebook where it quickly went viral 

Aboriginal elders spoke about the video - condemning the public nature of the post

Aboriginal elders spoke about the video – condemning the public nature of the post

‘Boss as man, sis you can smash,’ said another.

While others appeared upset they weren’t invited to the clash.

‘Next time ring me,’ said one woman.

A spokesperson from Geraldton Police Station told Daily Mail Australia police are investigating the incident.

Some of the young women involved in the fight appeared to comment on the video, bragging

Some of the young women involved in the fight appeared to comment on the video, bragging

'Three people have been dealt with two with move on notices and one charged with criminal criminal damage,' police said

‘Three people have been dealt with two with move on notices and one charged with criminal criminal damage,’ police said

A spokesperson from Geraldton Police Station told Daily Mail Australia police are investigating the incident

A spokesperson from Geraldton Police Station told Daily Mail Australia police are investigating the incident

‘Three people have been dealt with two with move on notices and one charged with criminal criminal damage,’ the officer said. 

‘The people involved in the incident were predominately young Aboriginal women, these things happen here from time to time especially around Christmas time when there are a lot of visitors in the area. 

‘I don’t think we will see it flare up again at this point,’ he said. 

The woman who posted the video has been approached for comment. 

Police said fights occur in the area when the population swells for occasions like Christmas

Police said fights occur in the area when the population swells for occasions like Christmas

The incident unfolded in the otherwise quiet street on Saturday afternoon

The incident unfolded in the otherwise quiet street on Saturday afternoon






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