Accused Bourke Street driver Dimitrious ‘Jimmy’ Gargasoulas appears UNRECOGNISABLE in court

The man charged with six counts of murder over events in the heart of Melbourne in January 2017 believes he is the ‘the second coming of Christ’ and is mentally unfit to stand trial, a psychiatrist says.

Dimitrious ‘Jimmy’ Gargasoulas appeared unrecognisable as he fronted the Victorian Supreme Court on Tuesday on day one of a five-day hearing which will determine his fitness to stand trial.

Consultant psychiatrist Lester Walton on Wednesday told the court the 28-year-old is schizophrenic and continues to have delusions.

Dimitrious Gargasoulas appeared unrecognisable as he fronted the Victorian Supreme Court 

Gargasoulas is pictured in handcuffs as he is led into the courtroom by armed police

Gargasoulas is pictured in handcuffs as he is led into the courtroom by armed police

‘He has cosmological, Aboriginal and religious beliefs that he is the messiah and it’s all mixed up together,’ he told the jury.

Dr Walton said Gargasoulas believes ‘he is the second coming of Christ’.

One of his letters read by defence barrister Theo Alexander states: ‘To all spiritual people, this is the most important spiritual information as promised by a Jesus in the Holy Bible’.

In the same letter Gargasoulas also says ‘I was born for a reason’, which was to ‘reveal the truth’ and ‘have the scales removed from your eyes’.

In another letter the accused refers to himself as ‘King James George Gargasoulas’ and ‘ruler of the universe’.

Dr Walton said the letters are similar to comments Gargasoulas has made about Aboriginal royalty, the illuminati and being the messiah.

Consultant psychiatrist Lester Walton on Wednesday told the court Gargasoulas believes 'he is the second coming of Christ'

Consultant psychiatrist Lester Walton on Wednesday told the court Gargasoulas believes ‘he is the second coming of Christ’

Dimitrious Gargasoulas (pictured above) has been charged with six counts of murder and 28 charges of attempted murder over events at Bourke St Mall  

Dimitrious Gargasoulas (pictured above) has been charged with six counts of murder and 28 charges of attempted murder over events at Bourke St Mall  

‘Are these views that you believe he genuinely believes?’ Justice Lex Lasry asked.

‘Yes, Your Honour,’ Dr Walton replied.

The psychiatrist also said: ‘He has said straightforwardly to me that he is the messiah’.

Dr Walton told the jury his report on Gargasoulas’ mental state ultimately concludes the 28-year-old is not fit for trial.

Gargasoulas faces six counts of murder and 28 charges of attempted murder over the Bourke St mall rampage on January 20, 2017, as well as other charges.

The hearing continues. 

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