Activists call for cigarette packet-style labels on coffee cups

Activists are calling for cigarette packet-style labels on disposable coffee cups. Pictured: A mock-up of a labelled coffee cup

Activists are calling for cigarette packet-style labels on disposable coffee cups to remind people they are harming the environment when they buy them.

Anna Warren, a communications officer for North Sydney Council, has started a petition to make coffee cups ‘uncool.’

She wants drinkers to keep a plastic cup on them at all times and re-use it to save the environment. 

The paper cups are not recyclable due to their waterproof plastic lining and are the second biggest filler of landfill space after plastic bags with 2.6billion thrown away every year.

Ms Warren is encouraging the big coffee brands to introduce labels reminding drinkers that the cups go to landfill, similar to the ‘smoking kills’ reminders on cigarettes.

She also wants more cafes to have a bin where the cups can be sent to a specialist recycling centre. Convenience store 7/11 already does this. 

Ms Warren’s petition to the environment minister, which has more than 23,000 signatures, reads: ‘Coffee cups are the second largest source of landfill in Australia and most of the cups that don’t make it into landfill, end up in our environment.

‘Landfill’s greenhouse gases are one of the major factors for climate change and global warming. 

Ms Warren is encouraging the big brands to introduce labels reminding drinkers that the cups go to landfill, similar to the 'smoking kills' reminders on cigarettes

Ms Warren is encouraging the big brands to introduce labels reminding drinkers that the cups go to landfill, similar to the ‘smoking kills’ reminders on cigarettes

‘Coffee cups which don’t make it to landfill end up in our oceans, killing fragile marine life like turtles, dolphins and even whales – washing up on shore dead with stomachs full of plastic waste.

‘Our waste situation is in crisis and if we don’t do anything about it, it’s only going to get worse.

‘The trouble is that most coffee cups are not recyclable due to a plastic waterproof lining and no one knows what to do with them.

‘The first option is to avoid this altogether by bringing our own keep cups. Many cafes have signed up to offering a discount if you bring your own cup but takeaway coffee cups still persist everywhere.

‘We need clear warnings on these disposable cups. Warning of the danger to the environment, like you see on cigarette packets about cigarettes endangering our health.

‘Warnings on cigarette packaging have worked very well in reducing the rate of smoking which is not considered cool any more. We need the same for takeaway coffee cups.

‘Please, let’s have appropriate labelling on takeaway coffee cups now, to inform our behaviour before it’s too late!’ 

Paper cups are not recyclable due to their waterproof plastic lining and are the second biggest filler of landfill space after plastic bags with 2.6billion thrown away every year

Paper cups are not recyclable due to their waterproof plastic lining and are the second biggest filler of landfill space after plastic bags with 2.6billion thrown away every year