Actor George Clooney calls Bannon a ‘failed screenwriter’

Hollywood actor George Clooney slammed former White House political strategist Steve Bannon on Friday, lashing out the Brietbart News chief while promoting a new film in Canada.

Speaking to journalist at this year’s Toronto Film Fest to promote his new film Suburbicon, a dark comedy set in the late 1950s, Clooney described Bannon as a ‘failed f***ing screenwriter.’  

‘I like picking fights,’ the 56-year-old actor told reporters. 

Actor George Clooney arrives on the red carpet for the film “Suburbicon” at the Toronto International Film Festival, September 9, 2017

‘I like that Breitbart News wants to have my head. I’d be ashamed 10 years from now if those weaselly little putzes, whose voices are getting a lot higher every week as this presidency starts to look worse and worse weren’t still [after me],’ he said. 

‘Steve Bannon is a failed f***ing screenwriter, and if you’ve ever read [his] screenplay, it’s unbelievable. Now, if he’d somehow managed miraculously to get that thing produced, he’d still be in Hollywood, still making movies and licking my a** to get me to do one of his stupid-a** screenplays.’ 

Bannon, who was ousted from the White House last month, made headlines recently, going on the magazine news program 60 Minutes to discuss for the first time the 2016 presidential campaign and his time at 1600 Pennsyvania Ave.

The highly anticipated interview with veteran journalist Charlie Rose will air on Sunday. 

Before Bannon entered into the realm of politics, he produced and financed Hollywood films and documentaries, finding success by negotiating a profitable syndication deal with the hit television show Seinfeld.

In his first extensive interview since leaving the Trump administration, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon talk to ’60 Minutes’

According to Entertainment Weekly, Bannon had also ventured into screenwriting, once penning a hip-hop musical based on Shakespeare’s Coriolanus that takes place in early 1990s Los Angeles. 

‘Hollywood is being quite well represented right now in the West Wing somehow,’ Clooney said.

‘You know, they say I’m out of touch. You want to call me a Hollywood liberal? Come at me. I sold ladies shoes, I sold insurance door to door, I worked at an all-night liquor store, I cut tobacco for a living.

‘I can change the fan belt on my car. I grew up in that world in Kentucky. I know every bit of that world, and I know my friends and what they believe. And I know this is not a moment in our history that we’ll look back and be proud of. So if I’m not standing on the side I believe to be right, I’d be ashamed,’ he added. 

Hollywood actor George Clooney described Steve Bannon as ‘failed f***ing screenwriter’ during a recent promotional tour of his new movie in Canada

Clooney, who has never shied away from expressing his progressive political views in public, says he has no interest in running for political office himself, saying his content with just contributing to the success of talented politicians.

‘The reality is there are many more people who are much better qualified than me,’ he said. 

‘I think the reason people talk about is that our bench [in the Democratic party] doesn’t seem very good right now, it doesn’t seem very exciting. 

‘For me, I will support whomever I can by doing fundraisers or whatever and helping in ways I’m probably better at than in making policies… I say just try to find a candidate that excites you, and it shouldn’t be me,’ said Clonney.