Adelaide paedophile hunter confronts man ‘grooming teen’

  • Self-styled ‘paedophile hunter’ has led police to a man accused of sex offences
  • A 28-year-old man was arrested on Sunday after talking to the ‘hunter’ online
  • Police are warning against vigilante arrests, as risk to the ‘hunter’ is high

A self-described ‘paedophile hunter’  filmed himself knocking on the door of a man he claims arranged to meet him after he posed as a teenage boy.

The vigilante, who has not been identified, is seen at a door in Adelaide’s southern suburbs on Sunday, before confronting the man who opened it about their ‘chat online’.

‘You’re in big trouble mate, you’ve been grooming a 14-year-old online to come to your house today,’ he’s heard saying on the clip, aired by Nine News. 

It takes some time for the accused man to understand who has turned up at his door – at which point he ceases denying the allegations.  

‘Look I am really shaking, I’m really scared… please, I’m really begging you on this one,’ he is heard saying. 

Police then arrive and take the 28-year-old into custody, and he is charged with procuring a child to commit an indecent act.

While this particular video resulted in a successful outcome for law enforcement and the vigilante, a spokeswoman for South Australia Police told Daily Mail Australia there was growing concern regarding self-styled ‘paedophile hunters’.

A self-styled ‘paedophile hunter’ has filmed the confrontation between himself and a man he claims was trying to groom him online, believing he was a 14-year-old boy, that led to his arrest

‘Police are concerned about videos being posted online as a result of this engagement, and the risk these may further create to all parties involved,’ she said.

‘While the potential for defamation should be taken into consideration with this type of behaviour, police would also strongly urge the community not to take the law into their own hands. 

‘Anyone who believes they have evidence of criminal behaviour should call police, not create a confrontation which, in turn, could create a risk to personal safety.’ 

The 28-year-old man has been released on bail and will appear at Adelaide Magistrates Court on February 9.

The 28-year-old man was arrested in Adelaide's southern suburbs on Sunday and charged with intent to procure a child to commit an indecent act. While the 'paedophile hunter' was successful, police are warning against vigilante justice

The 28-year-old man was arrested in Adelaide’s southern suburbs on Sunday and charged with intent to procure a child to commit an indecent act. While the ‘paedophile hunter’ was successful, police are warning against vigilante justice

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