Afghan refugee, 18, who snuck into Britain in back of lorry is jailed for stabbing 16-year-old to ‘regain his honour’ over £50 debt

An Afghan refugee, 18, who snuck into Britain in back of lorry has been jailed for stabbing a 16-year-old to ‘regain his honour’ over a £50 debt. 

Atiqullah Oryakhail, 18, fled the UK after the brutal stabbing but was picked up five months later on the Austria-Italy border and brought back to face justice.

The teenager had arrived in Britain after being smuggled in the back of lorries from Afghanistan and was granted asylum.

He went to Bournemouth and Poole College in Dorset where he met the victim and his brother, also both from Afghanistan.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard Oryakhail loaned the elder brother £50 to give to a mutual friend as a wedding gift, but the money was never paid back.

Dorset Police said after the stabbing in August 2022 that they believed the attack was carried out in Walpole Road in Boscombe

Oryakhail decided he had to stab the man to ‘regain his honour’ and took a knife from a pizza shop where he had been working – but then went after the younger brother as he was deemed an easier target.

The 16-year-old was stabbed in the back as he got off his moped in Ashley Road in Boscombe, Dorset.

He was also slashed across the left arm and suffered a significant loss of blood, with the horrific incident captured on CCTV.

A female passer-by used her first aid training to keep him alive until emergency services arrived.

Oryakhail tried to get a friend to drive him away from the scene – but they kicked him out of the car when they found out what he had done and told him to go to police.

The friend said: ‘I asked him if it was worth stabbing someone for just £50 and he said it was.’

The court heard Oryakhail had already packed his belongings before the attack on August 18, 2022.

He went on the run and left the country, but was detained last February when attempting to enter Austria from Italy.

Oryakhail is believed to have entered the UK illegally when he was about 14 in 2019.

He pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, while the prosecution offered no evidence on a charge of attempted murder, and was jailed for 57 months at Bournemouth Crown Court.

He will serve his sentence in a young offenders’ institution and then it will be up to the Home Office to decide whether or not to deport him.

The Home Office has been contacted for comment.

Charles Gabb, prosecuting, said Oryakhail was friends with the two brothers until he loaned the elder one the money.

Mr Gabb said: ‘He decided in his head that the elder brother had to be stabbed as some sort of way for him to regain his honour.’

He described how Oryakhail told police in the Austrian city of Salzburg, where he was detained, that because the older brother was bigger and stronger than him he decided to go after the younger one.

The defendant and victim got on a moped together and Oryakhail attacked him when they stopped.

The prosecutor told how the victim ‘managed to run a short distance down the road where he collapsed’.

Mr Gabb added: ‘A woman out in the town enjoying herself – to her credit should be expressed – she didn’t turn her back, she stayed with first aid training and gave invaluable help to a man bleeding profusely at her feet.

‘She stayed with the victim until police arrived, giving valuable help. The victim was whizzed to hospital for emergency treatment – without which he would have died.’

The victim is said to still suffer nerve damage in his hand from the injuries while also experiencing flashbacks and nightmares.

The court heard he would likely have died but for the work of skilled surgeons.

Nick Robinson, defending, said Oryakhail did not intend to kill the boy and claimed the brothers were bullying him.

He added that Oryakhail received limited education and lives in a constant state of fear after witnessing his family being killed in Afghanistan as a child.

Judge Susan Evans sentenced him to 57 months in prison and ordered him to pay £400 compensation to the woman who helped save the boy’s life.

She told Oryakhail: ‘I accept you didn’t intend to kill him but that would have been the result if not for members of the public.

‘If it wasn’t for the skill of the medical team, the outcome could have been fatal.’

Dorset Police said at the time of the crime:

Dorset Police said at the time of the crime: ‘Dorset Police received a report at 3.06am on Friday 19 August 2022 that a 16-year-old boy had been located with a stab wound outside Bosc Vegas in Christchurch Road in Bournemouth.

‘Following enquiries, it is believed that the incident occurred a short time earlier in Walpole Road.’

  • This article headline has been amended since initial publication to correct an accurate statement that Atiqullah Oryakhail had ‘tried to murder’ a 16-year-old. In fact, as the article goes on to make clear, he was convicted of wounding with intent with the prosecution offering no evidence on the charge of attempted murder.
