Air New Zealand pilot Alison Whyte reveals top travel tips

‘Take a three hour nap, get plenty of fresh air and NEVER eat sugary foods’: Seasoned pilot reveals her top tips for beating jetlag

  • Alison Whyte, a pilot for Air New Zealand reveals top travel tips to avoid jetlag
  • Whyte says exercise, non sugary foods and short naps will help cure tiredness
  • She said people should stay hydrated and wear ear plugs and eye mask on flights

From taking three hour naps to never eating sugary foods, one seasoned pilot has revealed her top tips for beating jetlag.

Alison Whyte, a second officer for Air New Zealand says she has a ‘very strict’ routine when it comes to the long haul flights she makes to North America, the Pacific Islands and London.

The mother-of-three said the key for passengers in getting a good night’s sleep was to wear an eye mask and ear buds and revealed the best seat was next to the window.

Alison Whyte, (pictured) a seasoned pilot for Air New Zealand said eating healthy and keeping active are some of the best ways to cure jetlag

The pilot said the first thing she does after landing from a lengthy flight is to have a nap.

‘As soon as I arrive at my hotel, I sleep for three hours maximum, which keeps me going until a reasonable bedtime hour,’ Ms Whyte told Women’s Day. 

During her first night, Mrs Whyte said she makes sure not to head to bed until at least 8.30pm.

‘Once I’m awake, I get out into the fresh air and go for a walk. I make plans to keep myself busy during the day, taking in a museum, a tour or a spot of shopping,’ Mrs Whyte said.

She also said a huge factor in overcoming the struggles of jetlag was diet.

The pilot said that passengers who are embarking on long haul flights should wear an eye mask and ear plugs to help get a better sleep (file image)

The pilot said that passengers who are embarking on long haul flights should wear an eye mask and ear plugs to help get a better sleep (file image)

‘I also try to make good food choices when I’m away. I stay away from sugary foods and drinks, and drink at least two litres of water a day,’ she said.

Alison Whyte’s top travel tips: 

Only take three hour naps after arriving to avoid jetlag.

Keep active and stay away from sugary foods.

Bring a bottle of water on long flights as well as lip balm and hand moisturiser. 

Wear ear plugs and an eye mask to get a better night’s sleep.

Always buy travel insurance.

Wear a few layers of clothing as it can be cold on planes.  

She emphasised the importance of exercise, saying she makes sure to work out nearly everyday.

The seasoned pilot also revealed what life is really like for the crew during those lengthy flights.

She said staff received the same meals as the passengers and even shared the same toilets.

But crew members do have a designated area above the Business cabin where they can catch up on their sleep during downtime.

Mrs Whyte also noted there was a list of things that every passengers should always carry with them.

A drink bottle, lip balm, eye drops and hand sanitiser were among many things the pilot suggested. 

The pilot said keeping her body clocked aligned with New Zealand time was another way to help beat the burden of jetlag when travelling (file image)

The pilot said keeping her body clocked aligned with New Zealand time was another way to help beat the burden of jetlag when travelling (file image)