Air pollution inside the house? Check how to protect yourself against it

Entering the house, we naturally feel protected from the smog outside. However, it might be an illusion. Air pollution can also be present inside the flats, even if our senses suggest something else. How to prevent its negative implications on health? Here are some ideas.

In many cities worldwide, smog has already become an integral part of the landscape. We got used to its seasonal returns, learning how to use personal protection when necessary. The consciousness of the health implications of air pollution is rising, and the accessibility of tools such as air quality maps helps with adopting appropriate protective measures.

Online tools such as provide the users with real-time data on the emission levels in their closest area. With them, protecting yourself against the effects of smog is much easier.

We often forget, however, that behind the door of our flat, we’re still at risk of exposure to air pollution. Even if you keep your windows closed, the particulate matter can still reach the interiors through the ventilation system, tiny cracks in the window frames, and other ways.

Its concentration is usually lower than outside as some particles get filtrated on the way. However, the air pollution levels inside can also reach alarming levels, and it’s worth having it under control.

How to protect yourself against the air pollution inside the house?

The air pollution inside the house can cause the same effects as the one outside. The weakened immune system, fatigue, mind fog, irritation of mucous membranes, and many other symptoms – all that can suggest that the polluting particles are present in your interiors. How to prevent it?

#1 – Invest in the air purifier

The air purifier is the most efficient way to keep the air as clean as possible. When choosing the device, pay attention to the efficiency of the filter. The most efficient one is HEPA. They remove at least 99.5% of the particles from the air, leaving it practically free from any pollutants – including bacteria, spores, fungi, and most viruses.

When choosing the air purifier, it’s worth paying attention also to the function of humidification. If the air is too dry, the mucous membranes may be affected, just as in the case of air-conditioning. Using the humidifier may provide you with additional comfort.

#2 – Buy a good vacuum cleaner

The carpets and other surfaces can gather dust, soot, and other polluting particles. Using a good vacuum cleaner can help you with absorbing it all, and thus, keeping the air even cleaner.

#3 – Grow some plants

The air purifiers are useful devices – but nature has some superpowers, too! In order to keep the air clean, include some plants in your interiors – you’ll be amazed by the results. The best purifiers are peace lilies, bamboo, gerbera, wing flower, ivy, and sansevieria. Plants are also amazing at retaining humidity, so you get two benefits at once!

Want to keep the situation under control? Follow the air quality map to get an overview of air pollution levels in your area.