Airline pilot reveals how passengers can still visit the cockpit to take a photo
Not so long ago, it was perfectly acceptable for a young passenger with ambitions of becoming a pilot to request a trip to the cockpit of a plane.
But the horrific 9/11 terror attacks put paid to that.
Now, one airline pilot has revealed on Reddit that passengers are still able to poke their head into the cockpit, and even take a photo to prove it – but only under certain conditions.
A commercial airline pilot has explained on Reddit whether how it is still possible to visit the cockpit, under certain conditions (File image)
Redditor @Sneaky__Fox85 did a question and answer post, and one user asked simply: ‘Do you let young kids take pictures with you in the cockpit?’.
His resonse was: ‘absolutely’. Pilots do let people into the cockpit to take photos that could create the memory of a lifetime.
He wrote: ‘We all remember when WE were those kids. You’d be hard pressed to find the grumpy, crusty pilot who’s gonna pass up the chance to share our love of aviation with a kid and maybe create a life changing memory.’
But while pilots are not allowed to invite people into the cockpit mid-flight, it is possible to arrange a visit after the plane has landed.
The pilot continued: ‘We can’t have people in the cockpit anymore during flight (thanks 9/11), but talk to the flight attendants about it during initial boarding, or talk to them in flight about doing it after everyone else gets off.’
His candid reponse left users surprised.

People wer eleft impressed that you can still take photos inside, as another poster on Reddit explained how you can ask to see where the magic happens. Pictured is the cockpit of a Boeing 747 (File image)
One user wrote: ‘Once a couple years ago as we left the plane, a kid got to go into the cockpit and check it out. I was super jelly. Also, I was a 34 year old grown ass man and may have jumped up and down and said OOOHHHHH I wanna see!’
And another wrote: ‘One of my favorite experiences was getting a tour of the cockpit of a Fokker 70 (remember that because the name was hilarious) when I was a kid. So thank you!’
While a third added: ‘As a kid I was flying from London to Orlando on a 747 and got to go upstairs to the cockpit mid flight.
‘It was better than Disneyland. Wish I could do that again, I’m 30 now.’
While someone else jokingly put: ‘What about adults? Asking for a friend.’
And a second person questioned: ‘Adults as well? Haha. (No really…),’ as the original poster replied back saying: ‘Sometimes, depends on the crew and the mood they’re in. Can’t make any guarantees.’
Another Redditor added some additional information, explaining how you can ask to see the cockpit.
They wrote: ‘Not OP but occasionally when we are at the gate after the flight is done, yeah. It doesn’t hurt to ask, most pilots are quite accommodating.’