Alcohol during conception increases childhood obesity

Women trying to fall pregnant have long avoided alcohol for their own general health and well-being.

However research has found that consuming booze even during conception could have detrimental consequences for an unborn child’s future.

Queensland researchers report male offspring conceived while the mother was affected by alcohol will have a higher chance of obesity later in life.

Research has found that consuming booze even during conception could have detrimental consequences for an unborn child’s future (Stock image)

Conductors of the study, which was performed on rats, noticed male specimen with mothers who were given alcohol were more likely to seek a high fat diet in later life, ABC reports.

‘These rats were given a diet of alcohol around the time of conception and then we studied the offspring as they aged and monitored the changes that occurred,’ University of Queensland PHD student, Emily Dorey, told the publication.

‘When given a choice between the normal standard chow diet and that high in fat and cholesterol, they continued to consume [the fatty] diet. It was quite surprising that there was such a marked difference in the food consumption of the offspring when they were quite a bit older.’

It was found that high levels of alcohol during the conception period impacts a woman’s placenta before birth, thus altering the dietary decisions of male children.

But drinking at the time of conception and in the early stages of fertilisation appears to have no affect on female offspring.  

Queensland researchers report male offspring conceived while the mother was affected by alcohol will have a higher chance of obesity later in life (Stock image)

Queensland researchers report male offspring conceived while the mother was affected by alcohol will have a higher chance of obesity later in life (Stock image)

It was found that high levels of alcohol during the conception period impacts a woman's placenta before birth, thus altering the dietary decisions of male children (Stock image)

It was found that high levels of alcohol during the conception period impacts a woman’s placenta before birth, thus altering the dietary decisions of male children (Stock image)

Emily said the research is particularly confronting because of the high rate of drinking in Australian culture coupled with the number of unplanned pregnancies.

Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is known to lead to a number of severe embryonic developmental abnormalities, including fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

The Australian Government Department of Health recommends against drinking alcohol while pregnant, planning pregnancy or breastfeeding.

‘When you are planning a pregnancy, it is also important to be aware that alcohol can reduce fertility in both men and women,’ the Australian Government states on its website. 

‘Alcohol can greatly increase the time it takes to get pregnant and affect the quality of men’s sperm and women’s eggs. If you are trying to get pregnant you should consider not drinking alcohol at all.’