Alison Hammond is slammed by PETA after sharing clips of herself riding camel in Dubai

EXCLUSIVE: ‘It’s cruel and causes them tremendous suffering!’ Alison Hammond is slammed by animal rights group PETA after riding ‘exhausted’ camel in posts from Dubai

  • The presenter, 47, can be seen gleefully waving to the camera while sitting atop the exhausted-looking animal in footage shared to Instagram on Saturday
  • But PETA has told MailOnline her actions would have caused the camel ‘tremendous suffering’ and that they’ve contacted her privately on the matter
  • They said: ‘For camels used in the tourism trade, life bears no resemblance to a natural existence. Exhausted camels work in scorching heat, often without access to shade or water
  • ‘These intelligent animals are sometimes subjected to violence, stuffed into lorries and trailers for transport, and forced to carry tourists for hours
  • ‘In fact, camel rides are so cruel that Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism has banned them near the pyramids of Giza’

Alison Hammond has been slammed by animal rights nonprofit organisation PETA for riding a camel during her Dubai holiday.

The presenter, 47, was seen gleefully waving to the camera while sitting atop the ‘exhausted’ animal in footage shared to Instagram on Saturday.

But now PETA has told MailOnline that her actions would have caused the camel ‘tremendous suffering’ and that they’ve even contacted her privately on the matter.

‘It’s cruel and causes them tremendous suffering!’ Alison Hammond has been slammed by animal rights group PETA after riding an ‘exhausted’ camel in posts from Dubai on Saturday 

Mimi Bekhechi, Vice President, Europe and Australia, said: ‘We can only assume that Alison is unaware that riding camels causes these animals tremendous suffering.

‘We are sending her PETA US’ guide for avoiding activities that exploit animals to help her make more informed and compassionate choices while on holiday.

‘For camels used in the tourism trade, life bears no resemblance to a natural existence.

‘These intelligent animals are sometimes subjected to violence, stuffed into lorries and trailers for transport, and forced to carry tourists on their backs for hours.

Oh dear: PETA told MailOnline: 'We are sending her PETA US’ guide for avoiding activities that exploit animals to help her make more informed and compassionate choices while on holiday'

Oh dear: PETA told MailOnline: ‘We are sending her PETA US’ guide for avoiding activities that exploit animals to help her make more informed and compassionate choices while on holiday’ 

‘Exhausted camels work in scorching heat, often without access to shade or water. In fact, camel rides are so cruel that Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism has banned them near the pyramids of Giza.

‘Camels aren’t selfie props or tools for creating content. We can keep holidays fun for everyone by leaving activities that exploit animals off our itinerary.’

Alison wore a plunging black swimsuit while travelling through the desert by camel, ensuring to keep her fans abreast with their every move.

In one video, she said to the camera, ‘So we’re here in the desert, I’ve put my scarf on. Do you not like the way I’ve got my scarf on?’

Unaware? The former Big Brother housemate appeared to be in her element while joined by pals during the activity

Unaware? The former Big Brother housemate appeared to be in her element while joined by pals during the activity

Alison then proceeded to laugh hysterically at a friend whose scarf was blowing in wind, as she narrated in another video, We’re ready for the desert, we are definitely ready.’

One friend looked like she was about to fall off her camel while climbing from it.

The former Big Brother housemate appeared to be in her element, while writing in her caption, ‘Dubai vibes !!’

MailOnline has contacted representatives for Alison, Platinum Heritage and Visit Dubai for comment. 

Problematic: They added: 'Camels aren’t selfie props or tools for creating content. We can keep holidays fun for everyone by leaving activities that exploit animals off our itinerary'

Problematic: They added: ‘Camels aren’t selfie props or tools for creating content. We can keep holidays fun for everyone by leaving activities that exploit animals off our itinerary’ 
