All Blacks give Aaron Smith warning for toilet sex scandal

All Blacks rugby star Aaron Smith tried to cover up the full extent of his toilet tryst with lawyer Bridget Morton, an investigation has found.

Smith was dealt a formal warning for ‘inconsistencies’ after lying about the sex scandal and attempting to force Ms Morton to sign a false legal document.

He was suspended for one game after the incident in September 2016, but New Zealand Rugby ordered an independent investigation be carried out into the affair between the star halfback and Ms Morton after explosive new details were revealed by Daily Mail Australia in August.

All Blacks rugby star Aaron Smith tried to cover up the full extent of his toilet tryst with lawyer Bridget Morton, an investigation has found

Smith (pictured with girlfriend Teagan Voykovich) was suspended for one game after the incident in September 2016 but New Zealand Rugby ordered an independent investigation be carried out into the affair

Smith (pictured with girlfriend Teagan Voykovich) was suspended for one game after the incident in September 2016 but New Zealand Rugby ordered an independent investigation be carried out into the affair

Smith runs through a game plan with the woman as he seeks to limit the public relations fallout

Ms Morton has told Daily Mail Australia that although the outcome of the investigation was of 'little relevance' to her

Ms Morton has told Daily Mail Australia that although the outcome of the investigation was of ‘little relevance’ to her

The investigation found Smith lied to New Zealand Rugby officials and coach Steve Hansen about the encounter with Ms Morton.

It was concluded ‘there were some inconsistencies’ between Smith’s account at the time and the later information but ‘this did not have any material impact on the outcome of the original hearing’.

‘Being honest, particularly in a disciplinary proceeding, is critically important for any employer and that is certainly the case with NZR,’ NZR chief executive Steve Tew said.

‘To reinforce this point, we have issued Aaron Smith with a formal written warning.’

The romp took place in a disabled toilet while he was travelling with the team after a test match against South Africa in Christchurch.

The investigation was carried out by an independent lawyer and found the 28-year-old player lied to New Zealand Rugby staff including general counsel Keith Binnie

The investigation was carried out by an independent lawyer and found the 28-year-old player lied to New Zealand Rugby staff including general counsel Keith Binnie

The investigation found Smith lied to New Zealand Rugby officials and coach Steve Hansen about the encounter with Ms Morton

The investigation found Smith lied to New Zealand Rugby officials and coach Steve Hansen about the encounter with Ms Morton

Smith pressured the woman into signing a false affidavit saying the pair did not have sex in order to save his career and his relationship with his girlfriend Teagan Voykovich. 

Now, Ms Morton has told Daily Mail Australia that although the outcome of the investigation was of ‘little relevance’ to her. 

‘It wasn’t what happened at the airport that was an issue, it was the lies that were told afterwards that I wasn’t okay with.

‘I had nothing to hide so if Aaron had just told the truth from the start there would have been no problem, it really wasn’t a big deal. 

‘The lie was unnecessary. As for the penalty for misleading the NZR, it’s odd, but I didn’t want Aaron to be punished, I just wanted him to tell the truth’ 

It happened in a disabled toilet while Smith was travelling with the team after a test match against South Africa in Christchurch

It happened in a disabled toilet while Smith was travelling with the team after a test match against South Africa in Christchurch

Ms Morton said her concerns grew from the way she was portrayed by his misinformation and that his lie was ‘essentially a false sexual violation allegation’.

‘The issue is that this lie implied that the contact was un-consensual or “rapey”. That obviously had a huge snowball affect on me and my family,’ she said. 

‘If a woman makes a false rape allegation in NZ they get charged. It’s serious. It needs to be taken seriously when a man does the same.’

She is calling for NZR to pay her legal fees and says issues are still being resolved by her lawyers, but those details are confidential. 

‘This investigation was for their benefit and would have been unnecessary if I was listened to when I tried to voice my concerns last year. 

‘The NZR’s review into the incident was an employment issue between Aaron and the NZR. My involvement was for evidentiary purposes only,’ she told Daily Mail Australia. 

She co-operated with New Zealand Rugby as part of the investigation, providing messages shared between her and Smith.

Those salacious Facebook messages show Smith begged Ms Morton for sex in parks, for ‘good luck’ sex before games and asked her to sign a false affidavit to go along with his fabricated version of events, a request she refused.

An independent investigation was carried out into the affair between the star halfback and Ms Morton after explosive new details were revealed by Daily Mail Australia

An independent investigation was carried out into the affair between the star halfback and Ms Morton after explosive new details were revealed by Daily Mail Australia

At the time Smith was snapped, he said he had made a ‘huge mistake, a huge error in judgement’

At the time Smith was snapped, he said he had made a ‘huge mistake, a huge error in judgement’

The investigation was carried out by an independent lawyer and found the 28-year-old player lied to New Zealand Rugby staff including general counsel Keith Binnie.

Smith’s powerful agent Warren Alcock had been pushing for the result of the investigation to be made confidential.

At the time Smith was snapped, he said he had made a ‘huge mistake, a huge error in judgement’, and the All Blacks management decided to suspend him for one game as punishment.

Smith was suspended for one game by the All Blacks as a result of the toilet tryst

Smith was suspended for one game by the All Blacks as a result of the toilet tryst

Messages revealed by Daily Mail Australia show that their liaison wasn’t a one-off, but was part of an ongoing relationship

Messages revealed by Daily Mail Australia show that their liaison wasn’t a one-off, but was part of an ongoing relationship

Ms Morton and Smith first became intimate in 2014, two years before their toilet tryst

Ms Morton and Smith first became intimate in 2014, two years before their toilet tryst

They also show Smith lied to All Blacks coach Steve Hansen and the public about what happened in the disabled toilet cubicle

They also show Smith lied to All Blacks coach Steve Hansen and the public about what happened in the disabled toilet cubicle

Messages revealed by Daily Mail Australia show that their liaison wasn’t a one-off, but was part of an ongoing relationship.

They also show Smith lied to All Blacks coach Steve Hansen and the public about what happened in the disabled toilet cubicle.

Ms Morton and Smith first became intimate in 2014, two years before their toilet tryst.

Upon re-opening the investigation into the affair, New Zealand Rugby said in a statement they ‘believe that it needs to investigate the Aaron Smith matter further'

Upon re-opening the investigation into the affair, New Zealand Rugby said in a statement they ‘believe that it needs to investigate the Aaron Smith matter further’

‘When we got caught he lied about what had happened and asked me to stick to the story he had told his new girlfriend and coach, which essentially put the blame on me,' Ms Morton said

‘When we got caught he lied about what had happened and asked me to stick to the story he had told his new girlfriend and coach, which essentially put the blame on me,’ Ms Morton said

Facebook messages between the two show Smith initiating their bathroom meeting, suggesting a ‘special toilets f**k’, saying they had to be ‘sneaky’ as other All Blacks were around

Facebook messages between the two show Smith initiating their bathroom meeting, suggesting a ‘special toilets f**k’, saying they had to be ‘sneaky’ as other All Blacks were around

After footage of the pair leaving the toilet was leaked to the media, Smith frantically messaged Ms Morton to get her onside with his version of events

After footage of the pair leaving the toilet was leaked to the media, Smith frantically messaged Ms Morton to get her onside with his version of events

Smith tried to convince the woman to agree with his made-up version of what happened between the two

Smith tried to convince the woman to agree with his made-up version of what happened between the two

Facebook messages between the two show Smith initiating their bathroom meeting, suggesting a ‘special toilets f**k’, saying they had to be ‘sneaky’ as other All Blacks were around.

After footage of the pair leaving the toilet was leaked to the media, Smith frantically messaged Ms Morton to get her onside with his version of events.

‘He asked me to go along with his story which he had told both his girlfriend and his management, he had said that I saw him at the airport and I asked him to talk in the bathroom about my boyfriend, but I didn’t have a boyfriend at that time, that was just something he made up,’ she said.

Smith told the woman only his coach Steve Hansen had been approached about the incident while hoping it did not leak to the media

Smith told the woman only his coach Steve Hansen had been approached about the incident while hoping it did not leak to the media

Smith begged the woman to pick him up before games, and to send pictures of herself to him

Smith’s partner Teagan Voykovich has stood by Smith throughout the scandal

Smith’s partner Teagan Voykovich has stood by Smith throughout the scandal

Smith’s partner Teagan Voykovich has stood by Smith throughout the scandal.

‘When we got caught he lied about what had happened and asked me to stick to the story he had told his new girlfriend and coach, which essentially put the blame on me,’ Ms Morton said.

‘He just told me if anyone asks to say nothing, but if I have to then to just go along with that story, which I wasn’t happy about because it made me look like more easily attainable than what I am.’

Upon re-opening the investigation into the affair, New Zealand Rugby said in a statement they ‘believe that it needs to investigate the Aaron Smith matter further and has instructed an independent lawyer to do so’.

Smith asked the woman to sign a false affidavit, asking her to send one to him 

Smith asked the woman to sign a false affidavit, asking her to send one to him