Amanda Keller reveals the one celebrity interview she regrets after joking about herpes

Amanda Keller has revealed the one celebrity interview that she regrets.

Speaking to on Sunday, The Living Room host recalled the shocking moment that an A-list star gasped in horror after she made a very inappropriate joke about herpes.

The 56-year-old Gold Logie nominee said she ‘still has nightmares’ about the awkward incident, particularly because she’s a longtime fan of the star.    

‘I still have nightmares about it’: Amanda Keller reveals the one celebrity interview she regrets after making a VERY inappropriate joke about herpes to ‘disgusted’ A-lister

‘I had an out of body experience. It was terrible. I’ve got my head in my hands as I tell you this story,’ she said adding that the star in question is Barry Manilow.

‘We were talking about fans going out of their way for him and I said, ‘what’s the weirdest thing a fan has given you?’ But then I said, ‘apart from herpes’. My friend looked at me like I’d gone insane and Barry looked at me with a face of disgust.

She continued: ‘I thought, ‘What’s happened?’ I’ve loved this man since I was 16 and I’ve just said the word herpes. It’s like the devil spoke. I tried to recover from it but not very well and it was just dreadful. I still have nightmares about it.’

Revealed: The star in question is Barry Manilow. Amanda said, 'we were talking about fans going out of their way for him and I said, 'what's the weirdest thing a fan has given you?' But then I said, 'apart from herpes'. My friend looked at me like I'd gone insane and Barry looked at me with a face of disgust'

Revealed: The star in question is Barry Manilow. Amanda said, ‘we were talking about fans going out of their way for him and I said, ‘what’s the weirdest thing a fan has given you?’ But then I said, ‘apart from herpes’. My friend looked at me like I’d gone insane and Barry looked at me with a face of disgust’

Awkward! 'I thought, 'What's happened?' I've loved this man since I was 16 and I've just said the word herpes. It's like the devil spoke. I tried to recover from it but not very well and it was just dreadful. I still have nightmares about it,' she said

Awkward! ‘I thought, ‘What’s happened?’ I’ve loved this man since I was 16 and I’ve just said the word herpes. It’s like the devil spoke. I tried to recover from it but not very well and it was just dreadful. I still have nightmares about it,’ she said

It comes after the TV and radio personality spoke candidly about her fertility struggles.

The mother-of-two, who has two teenage sons, admitted she still feels ‘raw’ when reflecting on her past struggles to fall pregnant.

She Woman’s Day: ‘I’m still close enough to the person who went through IVF back then to be amazed at how far I’ve come.’ 

Candid: It comes after the TV and radio personality spoke candidly about her fertility struggles 

Candid: It comes after the TV and radio personality spoke candidly about her fertility struggles 

In the late 1990s, Amanda underwent IVF in order to conceive, but there was no immediate success. 

The Living Room host is quoted as saying: ‘I’d set a task – three years of IVF – and I kept failing. I became more desperate the longer I went on’.

In 2000, during the Sydney Olympic Games, Amanda’s dreams finally came true when she found out she was pregnant with her son, Liam, who is now 17.

Proud mum: After fertility struggles, Amanda finally became a mother to two sons - Jack (left) and Liam (right) 

Proud mum: After experiencing fertility struggles, Amanda finally became a mother to two sons – Jack (left) and Liam (right) 

A second son, Jack, followed two years later.

But despite finally achieving motherhood, Amanda confessed she was surprised to find she didn’t feel ‘maternal’ straight away.

‘I thought I would love reading stories at nighttime and pushing children on swings – I am not good at that stuff. I think I’m a good mother, but I’m not mumsy in that way,’ she said.

It’s not the first time Amanda has spoken about her fertility struggles and her subsequent pregnancies. 

'I'm not mumsy in that way': Amanda is quoted in Woman's Day as saying she was surprised to find out that she didn't feel 'maternal' straight away

‘I’m not mumsy in that way’: Amanda is quoted in Woman’s Day as saying she was surprised to find out that she didn’t feel ‘maternal’ straight away

Last year, on her WSFM’s Jonesy & Amanda radio program, Amanda recalled the emotional moment she told her listeners she was pregnant with Liam.

‘There had been years and years where I had been trying to have a baby,’ she told her co-host Brendan Jones.

‘And when I announced that I was pregnant, everyone was on the ride with us, it was just wonderful.

‘I’m going to get all teary, but on the morning we announced his birth… just this giant, wonderful, loving hug from Sydney… that’s how it felt to me.’

'When I announced that I was pregnant, everyone was on the ride with us': Last year, Amanda opened up about falling pregnant with oldest son Liam (pictured) and sharing the news on air

‘When I announced that I was pregnant, everyone was on the ride with us’: Last year, Amanda opened up about falling pregnant with oldest son Liam (pictured) and sharing the news on air