Amanda Platell says it’s madness to let jihadis come home

Stupefying naivety? Max Hill QC (above) has now declared that, far from facing prosecution, teenage jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria should be welcomed back

MI5 boss Andrew Parker warned this week that Britain was facing an unprecedented terrorist threat, the worst he had seen in his 34-year career.

Already in 2017, we’ve suffered five attacks with 36 people dead and hundreds injured. 

Meanwhile, 20 attacks have been foiled in the past four years, seven of them in just the past four months.

As Parker put it, there is ‘more terrorist activity coming at us, more quickly’ than ever before and our intelligence services face an ‘intense challenge’ trying to keep us safe.

Yet despite this apocalyptic language, the head of our anti-terror watchdog has now declared that, far from facing prosecution, teenage jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria should be welcomed back.

Max Hill QC, independent reviewer of our terrorism laws, says: ‘We should be looking towards integration . . . for those who have travelled out of a sense of naivety, possibly with some brainwashing.’

I’m sorry, but isn’t it Mr Hill who’s suffering from stupefying naivety? Returning jihadists have been trained in terror camps to use bombs and firearms to kill and maim.

Hillary still just doesn’t get it

Promoting her autobiography, Hillary Clinton says misogyny cost her the election and that she is aghast Americans put Donald Trump in her White House, despite his boasts about crudely molesting women. 

She still doesn’t get it, does she? 

This is a woman who stood by her man after he was accused of rape and sexual assault by three women, who turned a blind eye to his numerous affairs — and then trashed the reputation of the women involved. 

Talk about misogyny!

More pertinently, they’ve been indoctrinated to loathe the West and all we stand for.

Around 400 of the 850 British ISIS terrorists battle-hardened in Iraq and Syria have already returned here. And we can expect more — up to 8,000 are likely to return to Europe after the fall of Raqqa in Syria which ISIS considered its capital city.

The last thing our valiant but overstretched security services need is more jihadists to monitor on the streets. 

They already have 500 live investigations under way with 3,000 people suspected of extremist activities and say it’s not a question of if the next attack occurs, but when.

Meanwhile, terrorists’ modus operandi is changing: lone-wolf attacks with cars used as weapons, random knife attacks and bombs built with instructions from the internet — as in the case of the Islamist who slaughtered 22 in the Manchester Arena.

It takes just one of these returning ISIS fanatics to cause misery and carnage. The risk is simply too high.

They declared war on our country and our Allies. By doing so, they committed treason — a fate once punishable by death.

The only welcome they should receive if they return should be at Her Majesty’s pleasure.

Becks’ posher pal

Victoria Beckham is apparently displeased that hubby David is spending so much time with the aristocratic socialite Lady Mary Charteris. Mary’s wild, beautiful and loves to party.

Posh on the other hand isn’t really posh at all and has just disclosed that on a fun night out she chews coffee beans instead of quaffing champagne — before racing home for an early night in the striped pyjamas from her new fashion collection. 

A bundle of laughs, she ain’t.

Victoria Beckham is apparently displeased that hubby David is spending so much time with the aristocratic socialite Lady Mary Charteris (pictured)

Victoria Beckham is apparently displeased that hubby David is spending so much time with the aristocratic socialite Lady Mary Charteris (pictured)

Brad Pitt has been romantically linked with a woman 32 years his junior, although they deny it. 

To add insult to injury for Brad’s ex Angelina Jolie, Ella Purnell, 21, played a teen version of Ange in Maleficent, a film about a beautiful young fairy who turns into a power-crazed witch. How very apt.

Described by one interviewer as ‘the most immaculate woman’ she’d ever seen in the flesh, Elizabeth Hurley says she’s so busy now as a mum and businesswoman, she hardly has time to look in the mirror. 

At 52 she doesn’t need to, she appears hardly a day older than when she was in her 30s. 

The same can’t be said of her former partner Hugh Grant, who in what is an inspirational piece of casting, has just landed a role playing the ageing, decadent and seedy former Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe. 

A Twitter conspiracy claims Melania Trump has been replaced by a body double

A Twitter conspiracy claims Melania Trump has been replaced by a body double

Fake news alert. 

A Twitter conspiracy claims Melania Trump has been replaced by a body double. 

Suspicions began after she repeatedly appeared wearing sunglasses and a frozen expression. 

Poor love, that’s just what comes with having to live with The Donald. 

It’s called grim acceptance — it can’t be Botox as she says she’s against it.

No surprise that Andrew Lloyd Webber, who has voted only twice a year since he was given a peerage in 1997, was dubbed the Phantom of the Lords. 

Now he’s quitting the Upper Chamber for the theatre. 

Fair enough. But can it be right that after such a lousy performance, he and his baroness wife will keep their titles for life? 

A fancy-dress shop in Luton is selling a Halloween outfit of Oscar Pistorius called Blade Gunner. 

It costs £26 with a fake gun. 

Who’s more sick — the person who dreams up these ideas or the one who wears the costume?

Brave Penny’s words of wisdom

Anguish: Penny Lancaster

Anguish: Penny Lancaster

The anguish on Penny Lancaster’s face as she revealed she was drugged and sexually assaulted as a teenager by a designer reveals the terrible, lasting effects of such attacks.

She assured young women it is ‘not their fault, they are not guilty’ and urged them to ‘be brave enough to tell the authorities’. 

Rightly so. It is only when sexual predators are dealt with by the law that they will be deterred.

As for the allegations and accusations about sexual abuse now being made through internet-based campaigns such as #MeToo, I have one thing to say: it should not be the court of social media that judges rapists, but a court of law.

Pole dancing has been recognised as a professional sport after one woman’s 11-year fight. 

Forgive me for being cynical, but I thought the only score of interest to a pole dancer was how many £50 notes were tucked into her thong — if she’s still wearing it.

Poverty not to blame

Poverty and social inequality have been blamed for the staggering rise in childhood obesity. Poorer children are now twice as likely to be obese as those from middle-class families.

Odd that. When my generation was growing up in cash-strapped households, none of us was fat. Our mums made our school lunches and cooked our meals. 

There were no treats, no fizzy drinks or cakes. And every day after school, where we did a lot of sport and PE, we were sent outside to play.

The childhood obesity explosion is not about social inequality but dreadful parenting and irresponsible schools.

Westminster wars…

Next year, Tim Loughton will probably even claim for his rubber duck

Next year, Tim Loughton will probably even claim for his rubber duck

  • Europhile Chancellor Phil Hammond wants to solve inter-generational inequality — the fact the young are poorer than the elderly — by plundering our pensions. Yet this is the man who’s happy to fork out billions in the Brexit deal to pay the gold-plated pensions of Eurocrats!
  • The boss of Goldman Sachs threatens he’ll abandon London and set up shop in Frankfurt because of Brexit. Good riddance, then, to the investment bank that has sucked billions out of the City — and was memorably and aptly described as a ‘great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money’.
  • Tory MP Tim Loughton says he can’t begin the day without soaking for an hour in his bath. Lovely for him, but why should we pay for his indulgence? Loughton claimed £662 in water bills and £640 for heating on his parliamentary expenses. Next year, he’ll probably even claim for his rubber duck.

After meeting 36-year-old Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Cornwall described her as a ‘very, very nice girl’. Which is more than can be said of Camilla, who by Meghan’s age was already sharing Charles’s bed behind poor Diana’s back.