Ambulance staff announce ANOTHER strike day: February 10 action will affect five regions of England

Ambulance staff announce ANOTHER strike day: February 10 walk-out will affect 999 callers in five regions of England

Thousands of ambulance workers in five services across England will take to picket lines next week as part of a long-running dispute over pay and conditions.

Ambulance workers who are members of Unison will strike in London, Yorkshire, the South West, North East and North West on February 10. 

It means NHS workers are taking action nearly every day next week — with nurses and physiotherapists also staging walkouts. February 8 is the only day patients are not set to face disruption. 

Ambulance workers who are members of Unison will strike in London, Yorkshire, the South West, North East and North West on February 10

Ambulance workers who are members of Unison will strike in London, Yorkshire, the South West, North East and North West on February 10 
