American comedian Tou Ger Xiong posted photos of Colombian girlfriends before he was lured to his death and kidnapped by gang of men who left his body in ravine

The American activist and comedian who was kidnapped and killed after having dinner with a woman in Colombia often shared photos of women he met during his visits to the country.

Tou Ger Xiong traveled to Medellín with friends on November 29 and attended a Karol G concert on December 3 with a woman who appeared to be the same person he dined with during his prior visit there in October.

The Woodbury, Minnesota, resident, who was stabbed more than a dozen times and found Monday in a ravine in the Medellín neighborhood of Robledo, shared a video on Facebook that showed him dancing at the concert and at one point filming a redheaded woman, who quickly turned away.

The woman appears to resemble the same person that Xiong posed for a photo and dined with at a Korean restaurant the night of October 20.

‘Don’t just travel in a straight line. Fuse your cultural experiences. Eat Korean food in Colombia,’ the avid traveler wrote in the Facebook. ‘Try spaghetti in Japan, pho in France, burgers in Brazil. You will be amazed how each locality has evolved traditional cuisines.’

Tou Ger Xiong made friends in Medellín during his multiple visits to the Colombian city, which he grew to love. During a trip there in October, he had dinner with a woman (pictured) at a Korean restaurant and apparently went with her to a Karol G concert during his most recent trip which culminated with his death

Tou Ger Xiong fell in love with the Colombian city of Medellín because of its culture and frequently traveled there

Tou Ger Xiong fell in love with the Colombian city of Medellín because of its culture and frequently traveled there 

He also shared an 11-second video clip showing off the dishes that he and the woman had ordered.

‘This is Korean food with my girl,’ Xiong said in the recording while the woman smiled.

Another post on the social media network showed Xiong dancing with the same woman during a trip in September.

He had also shared a photograph of him standing between two women at a restaurant table in Medellín.

His brother, Eh Xiong, told on Thursday that he enjoyed visiting the capital city of the province of Antioquia because of its culture and had made several friends there.

During his most recent trip, Tou Ger Xiong stayed at a friend’s apartment, working during the day as a day trader and then hitting the city at night for dinner.

Tou Ger Xiong traveled with friends to Medellín on November 29, and on December 3, attended a Karol G concert with one of his female friends that he had met during his prior visits there

Tou Ger Xiong traveled with friends to Medellín on November 29, and on December 3, attended a Karol G concert with one of his female friends that he had met during his prior visits there

Eh Xiong told that his brother, Tou Ger Xiong, knew the woman he went out with in Medellín on Sunday, a day before he was found dead. It's unknown if it is the same person (pictured) he dined with when he visited the Colombian city in October

Eh Xiong told that his brother, Tou Ger Xiong, knew the woman he went out with in Medellín on Sunday, a day before he was found dead. It’s unknown if it is the same person (pictured) he dined with when he visited the Colombian city in October

His affinity for meeting new people may have led him to his death.

‘He was very trustworthy and he really saw the best in everyone. I think that was his downfall,’ Eh Xiong said. ‘Maybe he trusted and saw the very best in people and then he just never worried about his safety because of the type of person he (was).’

Tou Ger Xiong went to dinner Sunday evening with a woman he had met before and frantically reached out to his brother and a friend to say that he has been kidnapped and that he needed $2,000 to pay his captors.

He also contacted another friend to say the kidnappers were holding him ‘at gunpoint,’ according to KSTP.

An unnamed woman in Medellín at one point reached out to the police and reported the abduction.

Tou Ger Xiong went out with a woman and was kidnapped in Medellín, Colombia, on Sunday and then found dead Monday with more than a dozen stab wounds. His brother Eh Xiong told that his brother had met the woman during a previous trip to the Colombian city

Tou Ger Xiong went out with a woman and was kidnapped in Medellín, Colombia, on Sunday and then found dead Monday with more than a dozen stab wounds. His brother Eh Xiong told that his brother had met the woman during a previous trip to the Colombian city

Authorities went to inspect the residence where Tou Ger Xiong was staying and noticed a woman’s strange behavior as she was removing items out of it. She then escaped when she noticed that cops were about to approach her.

It’s unknown if the woman who fled is the same woman who accompanied him to the Karol G concert and was pictured dining with him in October.

There have been conflicting reports as to whether anyone has been arrested.

The Star Tribune reported that a person was apprehended Wednesday, but a Medellín police spokesperson told on Friday that they were unaware of any arrests.

Eh Xion said the family is waiting for the paperwork to be finalized in order to repatriate his brother’s body to the United States.

He added that plans are being made to travel to Medellín as a part of a religious ritual that includes freeing Tou Ger Xiong’s spirit.
