American man who quit New York to travel the world reveals the stark differences between DATING in the US and Europe – admitting his love life has never been better

  • Evan Lambert moved from New York in 2021 to live a life of adventure abroad
  • In addition to traveling the world, Evan made many new romantic connections
  • He has admitted that he prefers dating abroad and refuses to go back

An American man who has been living abroad has revealed why he has sworn off dating in the United States after finding that romance was much more alive in places like Spain and France. 

Evan Lambert moved from New York in 2021 to live a life of adventure abroad, and has now realized why his love life was going downhill in the States.

In addition to sightseeing, Evan made many personal and romantic connections while abroad and even discovered why dating in the U.S. was ‘dull’, laying bare the details of his love life transformation in a story for Business Insider.

The traveler has lifted the lid on how his views about romance transformed when he moved and why it helped him reevaluate the meaning of connections in America. 

Evan Lambert moved from New York in 2021 to live a life of adventure abroad, and has now realized why his love life was going downhill in the States

He has revealed why he has sworn off dating in the United States - after finding that romance was much more alive in places like Spain and France

He has revealed why he has sworn off dating in the United States – after finding that romance was much more alive in places like Spain and France

‘Before the pandemic, I was living in the United States, drifting through an endless stream of first dates,’ he explained. 

‘Either I’d ghost them, or they’d ghost me, and even if neither of us ended up ghosting, I still never felt excited enough to go on a second date.’ 

However, after moving abroad and starting a new chapter of his love life, Evan realized that he had been searching in the wrong places. 

His first stop was Switzerland, it was there that he learned that ‘even one-night stands can be romantic.’ 

‘The men were just as effusive when it came to dating. It was not rare for a Scottish man to call me “bonnie” five times before admitting he wanted to rip open my shirt — even if he only had me for a night,’ he explained.

‘It felt like I was being swept off my feet; often, my hookups in America went from a handshake to full sex in 60 seconds without even an exchange of names.’ 

Evan noted that prior to moving, he associated one-night stands with a lack of intimacy, but he soon realized that getting tangled up in the sheets with someone for even an evening could be romantic. 

In addition to sightseeing, Evan made many personal and romantic connections while abroad and even discovered why dating in the U.S. was 'dull'

In addition to sightseeing, Evan made many personal and romantic connections while abroad and even discovered why dating in the U.S. was ‘dull’

It was in Spain that he learned to let go of any expectations and live spontaneously, which led him to meet his now-partner, who is from Peru

It was in Spain that he learned to let go of any expectations and live spontaneously, which led him to meet his now-partner, who is from Peru

After learning that one-night stands were romantic in Switzerland, he set his sights on France. 

He noticed that men in France were much more present than any of the guys he had ever been on dates with in the U.S.. 

‘I noticed that other Europeans, not just Frenchmen, were more attentive during sex and dating than Americans, no matter the length of our courtship,’ Evan told Business Insider. 

Evan explained that his time in Europe made him realize how important it was to focus on our relationships. 

Next up, the jet-setter headed to Spain, where he discovered that dates didn’t have to be so official and learned how to let go. 

Evan noted that while living in America, he planned dates down to the very minute – admitting that he once even scheduled a Google Calendar appointment for a walk in Central Park with a man. 

It was in Spain that he learned to let go of any expectations and live spontaneously, which led him to meet his now-partner, who is from Peru.
