American policeman escorts duck family across the road

  • Mother and her ducklings stopped traffic in Williams County, North Dakota, U.S.
  • A thoughtful policeman and woman decided to help them cross the road safely
  • Adorable footage was taken on a driver’s dash cam as they waited patiently 

This is the adorable moment a mother duck and her ducklings were escorted across the road by a police officer.

The family of ducks would have undoubtedly got into trouble without a police escort, so the thoughtful officer and a female member of the public decided to help them cross the street.

The footage was shot on a dash cam in Williams County, North Dakota, U.S.   

The occupants of the car can be heard saying: ‘No way, look at that.

‘You don’t see that every day.’

It takes the creatures just under 20 seconds to clear the crossing, as cars wait patiently on both sides. 

When they are safely across, the vehicles drive on and traffic returns to normal.

This family of ducks were given a special police escort to make sure they crossed the road safely 

The policeman and female member of the public stopped traffic for the mother and her ducklings in Williams County, North Dakota, U.S. 

The policeman and female member of the public stopped traffic for the mother and her ducklings in Williams County, North Dakota, U.S. 

The adorable moment was captured on a driver's dash cam as they waited for them to get to the other side 

The adorable moment was captured on a driver’s dash cam as they waited for them to get to the other side