American serial sperm donor travels across the UK to impregnate as many women as possible

An American serial sperm donor has revealed he will soon be a father to 55 children after travelling across the UK and Europe to impregnate women.

Kyle Gordy, 30, from LA, California, has already made six donations to women in the UK and Europe on what he’s dubbed his ‘donation tours’.

He is already father to 46 children and currently has nine more on the way – with at least three expectant mothers located in the UK, including a lesbian woman from Cambridge, who is now 27 weeks pregnant.

Kyle Gordy, who has 46 children around the world and nine on the way, is on a world tour to help couples have children

In 2014, he made his first successful sperm donation to a mutual female friend who wanted to have a baby with her girlfriend. Pictured with one of his sons

In 2014, he made his first successful sperm donation to a mutual female friend who wanted to have a baby with her girlfriend. Pictured with one of his sons

Kyle holding sperm building supplies, he also relies on a strict diet of healthy and organic foods to keep his sperm healthy

Kyle holding sperm building supplies, he also relies on a strict diet of healthy and organic foods to keep his sperm healthy

Kyle said: ‘This is my second sperm donation tour to the UK and Europe.

‘I’ve travelled from London all the way up to Edinburgh to donate. I’m now in Berlin waiting for a couple to get over COVID so I can donate my sperm to them.

‘I was in the UK and Europe back in August 2021 as well, where I also went to Denmark and Sweden to donate.

‘I’m really enjoying my time here, but it is much harder to find healthy and organic foods which I rely on to keep my sperm healthy.

L-R Kathryn, and Alice together with sperm donor Kyle, the couple are currently expecting a child thanks to Kyle's donation back in August 2021

L-R Kathryn, and Alice together with sperm donor Kyle, the couple are currently expecting a child thanks to Kyle’s donation back in August 2021

‘I hope to come back and visit Ireland and Wales. I’m also looking to go to Australia and New Zealand soon.’

Engaged couple Kathryn, 26, and Alice, 25, from Cambridge are currently expecting a child – carried by Kathryn – thanks to Kyle’s donation back in August 2021.

The women say they are grateful for his help in making their dreams of completing their family come true.

Alice said: ‘We decided to have a baby to complete our family, because I have a 3-year-old son and we wanted another, and for Kathryn to carry so we both have that experience.

‘We were drawn to Kyle’s profile after a friend told us about him, and we saw posts of his positive pregnancies and beautiful donor children.

Kyle always dreamed of having children but never felt compelled to get into a relationship as he is turned off by high divorce rates and monogamy. Pictured in Edinburgh

Kyle always dreamed of having children but never felt compelled to get into a relationship as he is turned off by high divorce rates and monogamy. Pictured in Edinburgh

‘The fact that he has a history of successful pregnancies was very comforting to us.

‘We got to know Kyle quite a bit before we decided. First thing we asked for was recent STD results, which he did not hesitate to provide.

‘We loved that his entire family were well educated. According to Kyle, his family consists mainly of lawyers, engineers, scientists, and programmers.

‘We also liked that he was open to contact with the child after birth. We want our child to have the option of being able to know their biological father.’

Kathryn added that they preferred to use Kyle’s donation over a sperm bank due to the ‘freshness’ of the specimen and the more personable nature of the agreement.

She said: ‘Fresh sperm is more effective at achieving pregnancy than frozen sperm. We got pregnant the first cycle with Kyle and only had one donation.

Potential parents are drawn to Kyle's well-educated background. According to Kyle, his family consists mainly of lawyers, engineers, scientists, and programmers

Potential parents are drawn to Kyle’s well-educated background. According to Kyle, his family consists mainly of lawyers, engineers, scientists, and programmers

‘We had friends use banks and most ended up trying multiple cycles to get pregnant and some did not get pregnant at all, so the success rate of frozen sperm was a huge turn off.

‘We enjoyed the fact we got to get to know him, and he was more than just a number on a vial.

‘When we met up and after the insemination, we got to know Kyle more and really talk to him on a deeper level, which you cannot find at any sperm bank.

‘He told us more about his life, was funny, made us feel comfortable, and we really just hit it off and knew we made the right choice.’

Kyle said he always dreamed of having children but never felt compelled to get into a relationship as he is turned off by high divorce rates and the responsibility that comes with monogamy.

Kyle is open to making donations via artificial insemination using his sperm or through sexual intercourse, which he says accounts for roughly 10 per cent of donations. Pictured on Abbey Road

Kyle is open to making donations via artificial insemination using his sperm or through sexual intercourse, which he says accounts for roughly 10 per cent of donations. Pictured on Abbey Road

Then in 2014, he made his first successful sperm donation to a mutual female friend who wanted to have a baby with her girlfriend.

After the couple became pregnant, Kyle says word quickly spread about his ‘strong sperm’ which lead him to more donations, and soon he began as sharing his services on his Instagram account @KyleGordy123.

He explained: ‘I always wanted to have kids. I’ve had a few failed relationships but it is something i’m open to in the future with the right person.

‘It will take someone special to accept me for what I do.

‘I was going to apply to a sperm bank, but it felt so cold and clinical. I also didn’t like the fact that you never knew what happened to your sperm.

‘The specimens at a bank could be sitting there for years. You don’t really know what you’re getting.

‘I have no idea why a woman would want to use a sperm bank when the success rate is quite low.’

While Kyle has met nine of his kids in person, he said he receives updates about all his children. Pictured in Berlin

While Kyle has met nine of his kids in person, he said he receives updates about all his children. Pictured in Berlin

Kyle is open to making donations via artificial insemination using his sperm or through sexual intercourse, which he says accounts for roughly 10 per cent of donations.

He explained: ‘Some women prefer the old-fashioned way, because they don’t want to waste time and they feel it will be more effective.

‘They will ask if we can just have sex, and I’ll tell them I’m up for it and we exchange STD tests.’

While Kyle has met nine of his kids in person, he said he receives updates about all his children.

Kyle manages a group chat dedicated to the mothers of his children, who use the space to talk with each other and exchange photos of their kids – who are all half-siblings.

He said: ‘We’re like a little modern family. It’s nice to see the mums speaking to each other and swapping photos.

‘For me, this is so much better than donating to a sperm bank. This way I get pictures, I get to be friends with the mothers and see my kids grow up.’

Health-conscious Kyle eats organic food while also consuming 18 different herbs and supplements a day to ensure his sperm is in tip-top shape.

He also claims that he never consumes caffeine, drinks alcohol, uses drugs or smokes cigarettes.

Kyle does not charge anything for his donations and says he does it simply because he wants to help women have children.

Kyle visited 13 US states to donate, including California Oregon, Kansas, Alaska, Seattle, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii and North Carolina.

He has so far visited England, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Mexico to donate

He said: ‘I need to keep myself healthy, so I have the best sperm. This is important to me.

‘It might seem excessive, but I want to make sure what I’m donating is tip top.

‘I’m not sure what the future will hold but for now i’m happy being able to donate to women and couples in need.’


Sperm donation is commonplace in the UK and used to help people start families when they can’t have children of their own naturally – if, for example, a male partner is infertile, if both parents are women, or if the mother is single.

Clinics in the UK are not allowed to pay men to donate sperm, except up to £35 to cover expenses such as travel. More may be offered if accommodation is necessary.

A law change in 2005 means men can no longer donate anonymously and must agree for any children born from their sperm to be able to find out who they are after they turn 18. 

However, a donor father will never be required to parent the child or pay child support. 

Sperm donors are usually aged between 18 and 41, although older donors may be allowed in some cases.

A donor will visit a fertility clinic once a week for between three and six months to make a complete donation – at each visit the donor will ejaculate into a cup and their sperm be frozen.

Donated sperm cannot be used to create any more than 10 families per donor, and the donor is allowed to withdraw his consent at any time until the sperm has been used.

Source: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 
