Americans celebrate Labor Day after working longest hours

As a majority of Americans are firing up the grill and lounging around to enjoy Labor Day, there are surely some who are still hard at work. And that comes as no surprise for the country that works the hardest and longest hours.

According to, who conducted a survey of 2,000, ‘Statistics show that Americans work longer hours than the majority of other countries — 137 hours per year more than Japanese, 260 per year more than in the UK.’ So naturally, it’s only right to celebrate all that hard work with a national holiday.  ‘We’re hard workers. We deserve the day off,’ says Liz Bagot, a spokeswoman for

Stock image shows men hard at work. In fact, study shows that Americans work the longest hours 

A poll of 2,000 by found the most popular Labor Day plans across the country

A poll of 2,000 by found the most popular Labor Day plans across the country

A survey revealed 67% of Americans will be grilling on Labor Day 

A survey revealed 67% of Americans will be grilling on Labor Day

The study revealed that the average American works 25% more hours than the average European worker.

And when narrowed down between the average French and American worker, the difference is even greater. The American worker records about 500 more working hours per year than his or her French counterpart.

‘It’s the reason we can say ”Thank God it’s Friday.” Labor Day is a time to celebrate the benefits we enjoy at our jobs — including weekends off,’ Bagot told the New York Post. surveyed 2,000 people to find out how they will celebrate the unofficial end of summer.

According to the poll, 67% of Americans will be firing up the grill. And of the food served at these barbecues, 70% will be all-american burgers and 51% hot dogs. Also making the list of popular foods are barbecue chicken, steak, and ribs.

In supporting American-made products, 44% of Americans will be guzzling down domestic beers and 22% will drink imported.

It's no surprise that most Americans will be eating burgers and hot dogs on the unofficial last day of summer 

It’s no surprise that most Americans will be eating burgers and hot dogs on the unofficial last day of summer 

44% of Americans will drink domestic beers on Labor Day in support of American workers 

44% of Americans will drink domestic beers on Labor Day in support of American workers 

What is Labor Day

Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers on the first Monday in September.

It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland.

Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades, barbecues and athletic events.

The Labor Unions and Labor Movements are largely to thanks for eight-hour work days, weekends off, paid vacation, lunch breaks, and social security.