An Australian woman has revealed the biggest changes between Sydney to Adelaide

An Aussie dietitian who moved from Sydney to Adelaide was shocked at the differences between the two capitals and described it as ‘going back in time’. 

Amongst other culture shocks Grace Field was horrified that shops are only open nine to five and barely any stay open on Sunday.

She said while ‘everything is like going back in time’ in Adelaide she still ‘loves’ the city.

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An Australian dietician has shared the biggest culture shocks she’s experienced since moving to Adelaide in South Australia

Amongst some of the things that surprised Ms Field was that there are no 7/11's or Mad Mex, Kmart isn't 24/7, shops are closed Sundays

Amongst some of the things that surprised Ms Field was that there are no 7/11’s or Mad Mex, Kmart isn’t 24/7, shops are closed Sundays


Would you prefer to live in Sydney or Adelaide?

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  • Adelaide 0 votes

The dietician moved to Adelaide with her boyfriend and their dog earlier this year.

Ms Field uploaded a TikTok outlining the things that make the city different to others.

‘I really like living here but there are lots of funny little differences about how this major city compares to Sydney,’ she said. 

Her first surprise was that there are no 7/11’s or Mad Mex’s anywhere in Adelaide.

‘In the town that I just came from in Sydney there was three 7/11’s within five kilometers of each other and two Mad Mex’s in the same area. For there to be none here… weird,’ she said.

The dietician recently moved to Adelaide with her partner and dog and loves living in the city, however there are small differences she didn't expect

The dietician recently moved to Adelaide with her partner and dog and loves living in the city, however there are small differences she didn’t expect

She was also shocked to discover that Kmart’s are not 24/7 in Adelaide, instead they close at 5pm.

‘I tried to go to Kmart at like 9.30pm the first week I moved here. Closed. I didn’t even try looking it up because I just thought that was a universal thing they were open 24/7. Not here,’ she said.

She was also shocked to learn the majority of stores are completely closed on Sundays, or they open ‘really late’.

‘I don’t just mean small boutique places, I mean like Westfield. Woolworths don’t open until 11 on Sundays.’

What are the most surprising things about moving from Sydney to Adelaide? 

1. There are no 7/11’s or Mad Mex’s

2. Kmarts are not open 24/7

3. Most stores open late or remain fully closed on Sundays

4. Adelaide festivals are like the ‘Aldi version’ of Sydney festivals

5. Adelaide CBD is referred to as ‘town’

6. Train tickets are printed on paper 

The dietician also said that Adelaide has the ‘Aldi version’ of her favourite Sydney music festivals.

‘In Sydney we have a major festival called Listen Out and Field Day. Here we have those, but the Aldi version. Instead of Listen Out, we have Listen In, and instead of Field Day we have Field Trip,’ she laughed.

Ms Field described Adelaide as being like a ‘major country town’.

‘Instead of calling it the city everyone calls Adelaide CBD town, and everything is like back in time. Like everything is open nine to five,’ she said.

‘You have to take a day off to do anything, to go to the bank, to go to the post office, to do anything you need to take a day off.’

Ms Field was shocked Kmart isn't open 24/7, 'I just thought that was a universal thing they were open 24/7. Not here,' she said

Ms Field was shocked Kmart isn’t open 24/7, ‘I just thought that was a universal thing they were open 24/7. Not here,’ she said

She was also surprised to see that train tickets are still printed on paper.

‘In Sydney I just tapped my phone to get on the train. Here I buy a little paper ticket, very old school. It’s cute,’ she said.

Many people from Adelaide found the comparisons entertaining and true, however some were insulted by the video. 

‘Why does Kmart need to be open 24/7? What do you need from Kmart so urgently you’d have to go at like 3am?’ one woman asked.

‘I feel so offended by this ahahaha,’ another commented.

Ms Field moved to Adelaide with her partner and dog who is called Oats. She loves that it's so quick to get around the city and that rent is cheap

Ms Field moved to Adelaide with her partner and dog who is called Oats. She loves that it’s so quick to get around the city and that rent is cheap

However others understood the culture shock Ms Fields experienced.

‘I totally get how you feel, I moved with my family a couple of years ago but this place does have its good spots,’ one woman said.

The dietician addressed peoples grievances and uploaded a second video sharing the things she loves about Adelaide.

‘Yesterday I was just sharing facts, I wasn’t complaining, and to be honest I don’t actually give a f**k that there’s no 7/11’s,’ she laughed. 

Ms Field said that what she loves is how quick it is to get around, explaining it seems to always take 15 minutes to get were she wants to go.

‘In Sydney it took me 15 minutes to pull out of my street,’ she laughed.

She also praised her ‘Mecca’ the South-Australian grocery store Foodlands which she is obsessed with. 

What are the best things about Adelaide?

* It takes 15 minutes to get anywhere in Adelaide

* The grocery store Foodlands

* Cheap rent

* The state is good for workers

* It’s more chill 

The dietician noted that rental prices are ‘insanely’ cheap.

‘In Sydney I lived in a five bedroom house with five other people and we lived a few kilometers away from the beach, and I paid $300 a week for my room, in South-Australia I pay $150 to live with one other person in a two bedroom apartment and we live 100 meters from the beach,’ she explained.

She added that although shops close early and few open on Sunday, it’s very good for workers, particularly those in customer service.

‘This state is for the worker, in Sydney it’s for the customer.’

She said the early closure of shops ‘forces you to chill out and have a chiller lifestyle rather than being rushed all the time to do heaps of different stuff, it forces you to go out in nature and do other things’.
