An open wound caused an artery in a woman’s leg to burst

A former make-up artist narrowly escaped death three times after suffering from an open wound for six years.

The wound, which started as a blister on Anita Nickson’s, 50, ankle in 2010, went so far into her tissue that it caused the main artery in her leg to burst while she was at the supermarket, resulting in her losing two pints of blood.

Ms Nickson, who was only saved due to an off-duty nurse, then suffered such bursts twice more, leaving her with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

After being diagnosed with pyoderma gangrenosum in 2012, Ms Nickson has been admitted to hospital 29 times, been treated with 22 different drugs, had four blood transfusions, 11 cycles of chemotherapy and eight blood infections.

Ms Nickson, who has arthritis, has also been diagnosed with steroid-induced type 2 diabetes as a result of her pyoderma gangrenosum treatment.   

Although the wound has since recovered, Ms Nickson, from Stockport, is speaking out to raise awareness of the disorder and support other sufferers, as well as to encourage more research to be carried out into the life-threatening condition.

Anita Nickson narrowly escaped death three times after suffering an open wound for six years (pictured after winning the local accolade The Greater Manchester Changing Lifestyle Award)

The wound, which started as a blister on her ankle in 2010, went so far into her tissue that it caused the main artery in her leg to burst while she was at the supermarket

The wound, which started as a blister on her ankle in 2010, went so far into her tissue that it caused the main artery in her leg to burst while she was at the supermarket

Ms Nickson, who lost two pints of blood while shopping, then suffered this incident twice more

Ms Nickson, who lost two pints of blood while shopping, then suffered this incident twice more

‘I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy’ 

Ms Nickson said: ‘It took a long time to finally be diagnosed with pyoderma gangrenosum and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

‘The pain is so unbearable that when I have been in hospital I would have been happy to end it all, some people even say it’s worse than childbirth. 

‘I have to take daily medication and wear special compression bandages to stop the wound from splitting open again.

‘It can be very embarrassing for suffers as it’s very graphic and I want to share my story to show I’m not a victim and let others know how this disease can affect people.’

Ms Nickson says the pain is so unbearable there were times she wanted to 'end it all'

Ms Nickson says the pain is so unbearable there were times she wanted to ‘end it all’

Since her diagnosis, Ms Nickson has been admitted to hospital 29 times, been treated with 22 different drugs, had four blood transfusions, 11 chemo cycles and eight blood infections

Since her diagnosis, Ms Nickson has been admitted to hospital 29 times, been treated with 22 different drugs, had four blood transfusions, 11 chemo cycles and eight blood infections


Pyoderma gangrenosum is an inflammatory condition that starts as a rapidly enlarging, very painful ulcer. 

It is thought to affect around one in 100,000 people in the UK and US.

Pyoderma gangrenosum is an inflammatory condition that starts as a rapidly enlarging, very painful ulcer

Pyoderma gangrenosum is an inflammatory condition that starts as a rapidly enlarging, very painful ulcer

Pyoderma gangrenosum is believed to occur as a result of a pre-existing condition such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

The condition is thought to come about due to an overreaction of the immune system. 

If untreated, ulcers, which usually start as minor injuries, can continue to enlarge.

Treatment typically involves non-surgically removing the affected tissue. Surgery is avoided as this may enlarge the ulcer.

If untreated, ulcers, which usually start as minor injuries, can continue to enlarge

If untreated, ulcers, which usually start as minor injuries, can continue to enlarge

Small ulcers can often be treated with topical or injected steroids, as well as special dressings and oral anti-inflammatory antibiotics.

Larger ulcers may require oral antibiotics. 

Wound care is also essential in all cases.

Source: DermNet New Zeland 

‘I have down days but remain positive’ 

Ms Nickson has also been treated with 11 rounds of a biochemotherapy, which is a non-aggressive treatment that helps to suppress the immune system and prevent overactive antibodies attacking the body.

This, alongside special compression bandages, allowed her wound to heal, and means Ms Nickson can enjoy regular visits to the gym with help of a personal trainer.

She has even won the local sports accolade The Greater Manchester Changing Lifestyle Award and is determined to push for more research into pyoderma gangrenosum.

She said: ‘People need to know how dangerous this condition can be and I know people will often feel embarrassed or shy about sharing their story.

‘Since starting the petition people have got in touch with me who have lost loved ones and more needs to be done in terms of research. I just hope people will sign my petition.

‘I have down days and there are things that I can’t do, such as go for long walks, but I remain positive.’

She described the incident in the supermarket as like something from a horror movie

She described the incident in the supermarket as like something from a horror movie

Ms Nickson felt a 'pop' in her ankle and then gradually started losing consciousness

Ms Nickson felt a ‘pop’ in her ankle and then gradually started losing consciousness

Ms Nickson, whose wound has since healed, wants to inspire other sufferers not to be victims

Ms Nickson, whose wound has since healed, wants to inspire other sufferers not to be victims

‘It was like something from a horror movie’  

Speaking of the incident in the supermarket, Ms Nickson said: ‘I felt this pop in my ankle and then it was like something from a horror movie.

‘The blood was just squirting out from the wound and I could start to feel myself losing consciousness and fainted into the fridge.

‘My colleague managed to phone an ambulance while the nurse stemmed the bleeding with pressure wearing a pair of marigolds.

‘If it hadn’t of been for the nurse, who happened to be shopping [at] the supermarket at the time, I would have died. She saved my life.’

This life-threatening experience, which occurred twice more, left Ms Nickson shaken.

She said: ‘I had to have counselling because I started having panic attacks.

‘I was suffering from PTSD because I was in constant fear that the artery could burst open again and I could die.

‘I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night because as soon as my legs felt hot I would think it was going to happen again, I couldn’t even have the covers over me.’

Sign Ms Nickson’s petition for greater research into pyoderma gangrenosum here.