Andrew Bolt’s brutal message for Ray Martin after he slammed the No campaign and urged Aussies to vote Yes

Andrew Bolt’s brutal message for Ray Martin after he slammed the No campaign and urged Aussies to vote Yes

  • Andrew Bolt slams Voice TV debate 
  • Calls ‘Aboriginal’ Ray Martin is absurd 
  • READ MORE:  Albo cops Voice blast

Conservative commentator Andrew Bolt has called out the selection  of Ray Martin for a prime time TV debate on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, describing him as a ‘white-faced’ hand-picked “Aborigine”.

Martin stirred controversy after delivering a speech at a Yes campaign event in Sydney. During his speech, he criticised the no campaign’s slogan, ‘If you don’t know, vote No,’ calling it nonsensical.

‘What that asinine slogan is saying is if you’re a dinosaur or a dickhead who can’t be bothered reading, then vote No,’ he declared.

Bolt expressed disdain that Martin took part in the Sunday night Channel Seven forum as an Indigenous representative.

Daily Mail has confirmed Yes23 actually put forward Ray Martin after Indigenous Australians Minster Linda Burney refused to go on the show 

Veteran journalist and TV presenter Ray Martin appeared as Indigenous spokesperson on a Channel Seven debate on the Voice

The other Indigenous spokespeople representing different sides of the Voice debate were Senators Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (LNP), Lidia Thorpe (independent) and Malarndirri McCarthy (Labor).

While Bolt accepted the Senators all had relatively recent Indigenous ancestry, he said that was not the case for Martin despite him being officially chosen as an Aboriginal representative for the Yes23 campaign.

‘Why did Channel 7 add Martin, a white-faced superannuated TV presenter from decades ago?’ Bolt wrote in Sunday’s Herald Sun column. 

Bolt questioned whether the veteran journalist and TV presenter should be counted as Indigenous when Martin’s ancestry was almost entirely Irish except for an Aboriginal great-great grandmother, Bertha.

‘To be fair, Martin doesn’t go around identifying as Aboriginal, yet his single Aboriginal great-great-grandparent was important enough for Channel 7 to choose him as an ‘Indigenous man’,’ Bolt wrote.

Noting the show producer’s stated intent that they did not want ‘white people talking for’ Indigenous people, Bolt questioned whether Martin was ‘really Aboriginal in any meaningful way?’

This question led Bolt to question the validity of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

‘Just one of his 16 great-great-grandparents was Aboriginal, so why does that one define Martin more than the other 15?’ Bolt asked.

‘Why does that one great-great-grandparent privilege him in a debate, or qualify him to be represented by a Voice to Parliament in the Constitution – unlike anyone of any other ‘race’?

‘What an insult to our individuality to assign people to a victim race because of a single ancestor 150 years ago or even more.’

In looking at the illustrious panel of three elected senators and one famous TV personality, Bolt also questioned whether Indigenous people did not already have a ‘voice’.

‘Millions and millions of other Australians will never have a Voice as loud as any of these Aborigines have already,’ Bolt wrote, saying the debate heaped ‘absurdity upon absurdity’.

Conservative columnist was unimpressed by Martin's participation in the Seven show calling him 'white-faced' and a 'hand-picked Aborigine'

Conservative columnist was unimpressed by Martin’s participation in the Seven show calling him ‘white-faced’ and a ‘hand-picked Aborigine’

‘How mad to divide us by race so crudely that even a Ray Martin could get a Voice in the constitution to speak for him, but not for the 97 per cent of Australians who don’t also have a great-great-grandmother of the ‘right’ race,’ Bolt wrote.

The referendum to constitutionally recognise Indigenous people by establishing the Voice will be held on Saturday.

To pass it needs to get the approval of a majority of voters but also win in a majority of states.

Voter surveys have delivered little but bad news to the Yes23 campaign for the past month.

A Newspoll published on Sunday shows the proposal is set to suffer ignominious defeat with 58 per cent saying they will vote No against only 34 per cent plumping for Yes with 8 per cent undecided.
