Andrew Cuomo brings daughter Michaela to coronavirus press conference to appeal to young people

Cuomo brings his own daughter, 22, to coronavirus press conference and jokes he can he can quarantine a state but can’t control her in an attempt to persuade ‘reckless’ and ‘unintelligent’ young people to stop ignoring social distancing

  • Cuomo slammed young people for not heeding the advice to stay at home and avoid gathering in crowds 
  • He said  that his daughter Michaela, 22, would not listen to him but had to make her own decisions
  • Michaela joined him at a press conference on Thursday in New York to plead with other young Americans 
  • She has decided not to go on her Spring Break trip and instead is with her father in Albany 
  • Others have not been as sensible and are putting millions of lives at risk by continuing to gather in groups 
  • There are now more than 4,152 cases of coronavirus in the state of New York; more than half (2,469) are in New York City 
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told of his frustration at young people who are recklessly ignoring coronavirus advice on Thursday and said he was able to quarantine an entire state if he wanted to but not his 22-year-old daughter. 

At a press conference on Thursday where he gave an update on the startling new figures on the virus spread in New York, Cuomo slammed the vast numbers of millennials and Gen Z who seem to be ignoring guidance to stay at home to gather in large groups to party. 

There are now more than 4,152 cases of coronavirus in the state of New York; more than half (2,469) are in New York City. 

Across the country, there are nearly 10,000 cases of the virus and 152 people have died.  

He brought his daughter, Michael Kennedy Cuomo, to the press conference as an example of how he is powerless to stop young people from being reckless. 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo brought his daughter, 22-year-old Michaela Kennedy Cuomo, to a press conference on coronavirus on Thursday to appeal to young people to stay home 

‘These pictures of young people on beaches and videos of them saying “this is my spring break, I’m out to party, this is my time to party.” 

‘This is so unintelligent and reckless. I cant even begin to express it. I had a conversation with my daughter about this. 

‘As Governor of the state, I can order a quarantine of 10,00 people but I can’t tell my daughter to do anything.

‘I have to be careful because there’s almost an inverse response to a direct action,’ he said. 

He then asked Michaela to recite the childhood advice she and Cuomo’s other two kids received ‘risk reward’. 

Cuomo went on to say Michaela – who has not been seen since her cousin Saoirse Kennedy Hill’s funeral in August, had decided not to go on her Spring Break trip. 

‘I’m dealing with it with my family, my daughters. I thank her for joining me today. She is with my up in Albany and not on Spring Break.

‘I think it’s cooler to be with me than like, road trip.’ Michaela replied sarcastically: ‘So cool.’

He said they had had to postpone her graduation and graduation party, like millions of others, but that they would celebrate ‘when it’s appropriate’. 

Scores of young people were seen at the beaches of Florida this week to celebrate Spring Break despite repeated advice to stay away from each other

Scores of young people were seen at the beaches of Florida this week to celebrate Spring Break despite repeated advice to stay away from each other 

Surgeon General Jerome Adams has pleaded with stars like Kylie Jenner to use their vast social media platforms to tell young people to stay at home and quarantine to fight the spread of coronavirus

Kylie Jenner in a February Instagram image

Surgeon General Jerome Adams has pleaded with stars like Kylie Jenner to use their vast social media platforms to tell young people to stay at home and quarantine to fight the spread of coronavirus

There are now nearly 10,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and it is fast spreading, with 152 deaths as of Thursday

There are now nearly 10,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and it is fast spreading, with 152 deaths as of Thursday