Angel numbers: What they are and the meanings behind them

What is numerology and why do some people believe in it?

A person is inclined to believe in mysticism and shift the responsibility for fate. Someone believes in Gods, and someone – in numbers and a special arrangement of stars in the sky.

Numerology inspired confidence and delight among early mathematicians. The Pythagoreans considered divination by numbers irrefutable and put the phenomenon almost on a par with science.

Angel numbers and the meanings behind them

Within the practice of numerology, there is something known as angel numbers. These are number sequences – typically consisting of three or four repeating numbers or number patterns – as in the case of 111, 4444, 321, or 8787.

While these numbers might only seem to be numbered, they are special and should be grabbing your attention and evoking a sense of wonder.

According to experts, these number sequences are special because they are important symbols (from your angels, guides, ancestors, spirits, or higher consciousness) that contain messages from the spiritual universe for you.

These messages are often ones that contain insight, wisdom, and directionality.

In some cases, these numbers are a confirmation that you are on the right path or an affirmation of your consciousness, and in other cases, these numbers may alert you to some insight that you need to navigate a complicated situation.

Regardless of the number and its meaning, these numbers contain powerful and mystical meanings that will help give you clarity on your journey.

000 or 0000

Experts agree that when you see the number zero in a sequence, it is associated with new opportunities, a new cycle, and a fresh start. This means that you can make big and bold decisions and create whatever your heart desires on your journey.

111 or 1111

This particular number sequence is intended to convey the power of manifestation. That is, it is a note from the universe that you have been given the “green light” and that you can set an intention and plant a seed.

In doing this, you should know that you are supported by your angels, guides, and ancestors.

222 or 2222

To see this sequence means that you are being told by someone in the physical realm or spiritual domain to live with more balance, trust, and alignment.

It can also mean that in order to achieve this balance, you may need to reach out to your most trusted companion and inquire as to whether divine collaboration is possible.

333 or 3333

To see the number three in any sequence indicates magnetic creativity and the opportunity to add your unique, innate, and creative talents and gifts to a particular situation.

In doing so, you will be able to find more value and abundance in your life in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Seeing 3s is the universe’s way of telling you that you must express yourself creatively in this life – it is critical!

444 or 4444

If you see the number four in any sequence or pattern, this is the universe’s way of telling you about stabilization in your life – this entails processes such as grounding, rooting, and cultivating an infrastructure in your life that will truly weather the test of time.

The universe is also insisting that you ask for help or assistance if you need it, especially in cases where you will be navigating long-term projects that require very particular expertise.

To do so will give you the power to truly reach new heights.

555 or 5555

When seeing the number five or a 555 angel number sequence, this is the universe telling you that you are about to emerge from a feeling of being stuck and stifled, and you will instead experience major changes in your life.

While changes are on their way, they may only be happening behind the scenes at this moment, and key decision-makers are still weighing their options.

That said, to see the number five means that you are on the right path.

666 or 6666

If you are seeing the number six in a sequence or pattern, do not worry.

While this number (especially in a triplet) has historically been associated with the Devil or demon figures, as an angel number, the universe is sending you a message of support, compassion, and empathy.

This number tends to mean that you should be treating yourself with kindness and understanding even if things are not going as planned because everything happens for a reason.

777 or 7777

To see the number seven is a symbol of luck and good fortune — especially where finances are concerned.

This could be the universe’s way of telling you that new monetary opportunities are on their way, and you should explore your possibilities beyond your comfort zone.

For example, you may suddenly have access to lucrative gigs or consistent income streams.

888 or 888

To see the number eight could be the universe letting you know of a powerful connection to the spiritual universe – especially for those who believe in an afterlife.

This number might be an indication that you are receiving supernatural support from loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. It is also a number that symbolizes infinity — that is, the endless loop that transcends any singular lifetime.

999 or 9999

Finally, to see the number nine in any pattern or sequence is an indication that a meaningful chapter may be coming to an end, and you will soon be starting a brand new journey.

The universe is also hoping to convey that you may also want to step outside your comfort zone and expand your horizons as you are moving in this direction as the universe is in full support of your choices.