Angry row in Kensington during Channel 4 News interview

  • Channel 4 News interview was thrown off course by the commotion this evening
  • Andrew Pierce appeared distracted by the noise coming from behind him
  • Anchor Cathy Newman apologised to viewers for the unexpected interruption 

This is the moment a live Channel 4 News interview was shamelessly interrupted by two people shouting in the street.

Hurling abuse at each other as they passed by in the background, the pair of boisterous pedestrians made a spectacle of themselves on the Tuesday evening programme.

The youngsters furiously rowed as the Daily Mail’s Andrew Pierce was quizzed by anchor Cathy Newman outside the newspaper’s Kensington offices.

It is not clear from the footage whether the pair were having a serious altercation or a high-spirited discussion.

One of the boys can be seen waving his arms around during the commotion as Mr Pierce looked distracted by the noisy disagreement unfolding behind him.

‘I’m terribly sorry about the distraction behind, can’t really help that one,’ he told the studio audience.  

Fellow guest and journalist Dawn Foster chuckled as the unexpected disturbance continued.

This is the moment a live Channel 4 News interview was shamelessly interrupted by two people shouting at each other in the street on Tuesday evening

The youngsters furiously argued as the Daily Mail's Andrew Pierce was quizzed by anchor Cathy Newman outside the newspaper's Kensington offices

The youngsters furiously argued as the Daily Mail’s Andrew Pierce was quizzed by anchor Cathy Newman outside the newspaper’s Kensington offices

Ms Newman said: ‘There seems to be some sort of fight behind.’

After the interview concluded, she told viewers: ‘I would like to apologise to viewers who might have picked up some bad language in the background, not from our guests but from the passing brawl going on.’

But many people watching found the disruption a much-welcome comedic interlude, describing it on Twitter as ‘fantastic TV’.

The viral clip has been viewed more than 13,000 times. 

Mr Pierce looked distracted by the noisy disagreement unfolding behind him and studio guest and journalist Dawn Foster chuckled  as the unexpected disturbance continued

Mr Pierce looked distracted by the noisy disagreement unfolding behind him and studio guest and journalist Dawn Foster chuckled as the unexpected disturbance continued

After the interview concluded, Ms Newman apologised to viewers for any bad language they may have heard during the commotion

After the interview concluded, Ms Newman apologised to viewers for any bad language they may have heard during the commotion