Major gas leak shuts down Sydney’s WestConnex motorway construction after an excavator crashed into a pipe – as dozens of nearby houses are evacuated in fear it could EXPLODE
- Major gas leak forces evacuation of about 30 homes in Sydney’s Inner West
- Residents in Annandale returned home to strong smell of gas in the suburb
- Leak is believed to been caused by an excavator who cut high-pressure main
Dozens of homes in Sydney’s west have been evacuated over fears of an explosion after an excavator crashed into a major gas-line.
About 30 homes in Annandale, in the city’s inner west, have had to be abandoned over fears the gas leak could trigger an explosion.
Firefighters and hazmat crews were seen trying to contain the leak on Monday evening which shut down construction at the WestConnex motorway site.
The leak was triggered at the site of a junction box where multiple gas sources meet with crews now tasked with closing off multiple gas supplies.
Firefighters and hazmat crews were seen trying to contain the gas on Monday evening with the leak shutting down construction at a WestConnex motorway site
‘It was a medium to high-pressure gas vein, we’ve had to get crews to dig up pipes in other locations so they can shut down supply,’ Superintendent Adam Dewberry with Fire and Rescue NSW told Sydney Morning Herald.
‘The gas is flammable but it is lighter than air and it does disperse very quickly, and as an added precaution, we’re dispersing it with water.’
An 100metre exclusion zone remains in place with LightRail services and surrounding roads expected to be disrupted by the major leak.
Johnston Street remain closed in both directions between Kentville Avenue and The Crescent as of 6pm while buses have replaced cancelled light rail services between Fish Market and Dulwich Hill.

About 30 homes in Annandale in the city’s Inner West have been abandoned over fears the gas leak could trigger an explosion (pictured, the site of the leak on Monday evening)
Residents in the immediate area have been advised to close their doors and windows to mitigate the strong smell of gas in the air.
The leak is believed to have begun at about 12:30pm on Monday after an excavator knocked a major gas line at the Annandale construction site.
Firefighters were seen hosing the area of the burst main in an attempt to dilute and disperse the gas while crews work to turn off multiple gas supplies.
Superintendent Dewberry said residents would be able to return to their homes after the gas coming into the junction had been turned off and the line purged.
This process is expected to take a few hours.