Anthony Albanese erupts at social media critics for slamming him for buying a pork roll – after saying he would ban it if he was a dictator: ‘How dare you’

Anthony Albanese erupts at social media critics for slamming him for buying a pork roll – after saying he would ban it if he was a dictator: ‘How dare you’

Anthony Albanese has hit out at social media critics over the backlash he copped after buying a pork roll for lunch.

The Prime Minister last week visited the Marrickville Pork Roll shop in his trendy inner west Sydney electorate, sharing two images of the excursion. 

But some Aussies were angry that the man tasked with running the country could take time out of his busy schedule to spend between $5-10 on lunch. 

Mr Albanese responded to the bizarre furore over the pork roll saga during an appearance on Triple M Perth’s radio show Xav and Michelle for Breakfast on Wednesday.

‘I’m just stunned,’ Mr Albanese said. ‘How dare someone have lunch and buy a roll with pork on it.’

The Prime Minister shared photos of himself visiting the Marrickville Pork Roll shop in his inner west Sydney electorate last Wednesday

‘It amazes me that people will go to the trouble of logging on or setting up a fake account and making comments that are just extraordinary just in order to troll people.’

He described the criticism over the pork roll as ‘tragic’.

‘No one would come up to you and say, ‘How dare you have a pork roll, and you added two dollars for the crackling!’,’ he said.

”How dare you do that in a few hundred metres from your office in Marrickville when you’re doing local stuff, as a local MP’.’

The prime minister’s distain for social media was highlighted earlier this month in a tongue-in-cheek radio interview with 3AW talkback king Neil Mitchell.

Responding to Mitchell’s hypothetical about what he would do if he was running Australia as a dictator, Mr Albanese said banning social media ‘would be handy’. 

Nothing like the original Marrickville Pork Roll,' Mr Albanese captioned the seemingly innocuous post

Nothing like the original Marrickville Pork Roll,’ Mr Albanese captioned the seemingly innocuous post

Online critics took issue with the fact that the leader of the country had taken time out to post photos of himself buying lunch while Aussies struggled with the cost-of-living crisis

Online critics took issue with the fact that the leader of the country had taken time out to post photos of himself buying lunch while Aussies struggled with the cost-of-living crisis

Mr Albanese was swamped with a a barrage of negative comments on social media after he uploaded the photos online with the caption: ‘Nothing like the original Marrickville Pork Roll.’

Critics took issue with the fact that he could take time out to spend between $5-10 on lunch while Aussies struggled with the cost-of-living crisis.

‘Wish I could afford to go out to eat, rent is getting insane and you choose to help landlords like yourself and your colleagues, and developers over us!’, wrote one incensed woman.

Another asked: ‘What about the people in this country not afford a pork roll or a roof over their head or electricity?’

‘Thoughts go out to those struggling to put food on the table, those who can’t afford the table, and those who can’t afford the house to put the table in,’ said a third.

Anthony Albanese (pictured with his girlfriend Jodie Haydon) has revealed his wish list if he was ever granted dictatorial powers during an interview with 3AW radio host Neil Mitchell

Anthony Albanese (pictured with his girlfriend Jodie Haydon) has revealed his wish list if he was ever granted dictatorial powers during an interview with 3AW radio host Neil Mitchell

‘Glad you can afford to buy a takeaway, not like the rest of us battling to make ends meet, higher rents, higher electricity, higher fuel, homeless people… the list goes on and all Australians are getting poorer under your government…wake up and start focusing on this country,’ added another person.

But not everyone was as critical. 

‘Love these photos. He’s in a queue. No ceremony here. Love Albo!’, wrote one follower.

Other politicians got in on the fun too.

I’m sure it’s good PM Anthony Albanese, but does it beat a Wallsend Bakery Bahn Mi??’, wrote Sonia Hornery MP who represents Wallsend in the NSW Parliament. 
