AOC FINALLY breaks ranks with woke Squad members as she condemns appalling anti-Semitic rallies in NYC

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has broken with members of her far-left ‘squad’ of Democrat lawmakers to condemn the ‘unacceptable’ Pro-Palestine rallies in New York City. 

A Pro-Palestinian mob took over Times Square on Sunday – just one day after terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel, leaving hundreds of civilians dead. One demonstrator was seen holding up a swastika on his cellphone. 

‘It should not be hard to shut down hatred and antisemitism where we see it,’ Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement on Monday night. ‘That is a core tenet of solidarity. The bigotry and callousness expressed in Times Square on Sunday were unacceptable and harmful in this devastating moment.’

The statement marks a break from other members of the so-called Hateful Eight of Democrat lawmakers – including Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush – who have been vocal critics of Israel in the past.  

Other members of the woke group of lawmakers, Greg Casar and Summer Lee have also been critical of the Jewish state.  

The statement is notable given AOC’s vocal criticism of Israel in the past 

One of the hundreds of placard-clad demonstrators was seen on the front line holding up a swastika

One of the hundreds of placard-clad demonstrators was seen on the front line holding up a swastika

AOC added in her statement that the rally ‘did not speak for thousands of New Yorkers who are capable of rejecting both Hamas’ horrifying attacks against innocent civilians as well as the grave injustices and violence Palestinians face under the occupation.’

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman, a member of the Squad, also condemned the rally.

‘I am shocked and disgusted by the rally held here in NY this weekend celebrating death or attacks on civilians and showing swastikas’ he wrote on Twitter. 

Adding: ‘I condemn any demonstration that does this in the strongest possible terms. We must proceed on the basis of recognizing our shared humanity.’ 

Protesters at Sunday’s rally gathered with megaphones and yellow signs reading: ‘Resistance against occupation is a human right’ and ‘end all US aid to apartheid Israel’. They chanted: ‘5, 6, 7, 8 Israel is a terrorist state.’

Demonstrators planned to take over Times Square – the social and symbolic epicenter of New York – just one day after Israeli women and children were dragged from their homes and slaughtered by Palestinian militants.

Other members of the ‘Hateful Eight’ have drawn widespread criticism for their failure to support Israel following Hamas’ devastating attacks.

Ilhan Omar has called on the US government to withdraw its support for the Jewish State and called Israel’s retaliatory attacks ‘collective punishment, a war crime’ adding that ‘the U.S. should oppose any violations of international law if we truly support a rules-based international order.’ 

Swathes of pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets of Manhattan on Sunday following rocket attacks, pillaging, and murders on the streets of Israel over the weekend. Hamas, the terrorist organization and de facto rulers of the Gaza Strip, ambushed and killed hundreds of Israelis during their high holiday

Swathes of pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets of Manhattan on Sunday following rocket attacks, pillaging, and murders on the streets of Israel over the weekend. Hamas, the terrorist organization and de facto rulers of the Gaza Strip, ambushed and killed hundreds of Israelis during their high holiday 

There was a heavy police presence in New York's Time Square today - as pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Midtown after Hamas launched surprise attacks on Israel

There was a heavy police presence in New York’s Time Square today – as pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Midtown after Hamas launched surprise attacks on Israel 

Hundreds of people took over Times Square to protest on Sunday

Hundreds of people took over Times Square to protest on Sunday

Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to chant 'resistance is justified' into the afternoon - as a sea of signs and posters took over Times Square

Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to chant ‘resistance is justified’ into the afternoon – as a sea of signs and posters took over Times Square

Cori Bush also called for an end to US support for Israel, calling it an apartheid state. 

Similarly, Rashida Tlaib, wrote in a statement following Hamas attacks that the path to peace ‘must include lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.’

The number of people killed in Hamas’s attack on Israel has risen to 1,200, with 2,900 wounded. The most recent Gaza toll stands at 900 dead and 4,500 injured.

American citizens are among the dead and captured, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. 

AOC has formally called Israel an apartheid state, the Jerusalem Post reported, and earlier this year skipped Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to congress. 

Democrat Summer Lee  said she ‘strongly condemn Hamas’s horrifying attack’ but that ‘we must bring an end to the occupation’ and that there is ‘no military solution that will bring an end to this violence.’ 

On Tuesday night it emerged that babies in Israel had been beheaded by Hamas militants.

Hamas gunmen massacred 40 children in one farm settlement alone, their small bodies lying in their rooms riddled with bullets.

And as shellshocked survivors told their stories, one bereaved grandson, Shmuel Harel, told the Daily Mail’s Sam Greenhill : ‘They are the new Nazis. This was a holocaust, pure and simple.’

Israeli forces extracting dead bodies of Israeli residents from a destroyed house as fighting between Israeli troops and Islamist Hamas militants continues

Israeli forces extracting dead bodies of Israeli residents from a destroyed house as fighting between Israeli troops and Islamist Hamas militants continues

Israeli soldiers prepare to remove the bodies of their compatriots, killed during an attack by Hamas in Kfar Aza

Israeli soldiers prepare to remove the bodies of their compatriots, killed during an attack by Hamas in Kfar Aza

Cars and a stroller left behind at the scene of a rocket attack from Gaza on the weekend are pictured on a main road near the entrance of the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Aza

Cars and a stroller left behind at the scene of a rocket attack from Gaza on the weekend are pictured on a main road near the entrance of the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Aza

Israeli soldiers remove the body of a compatriot, killed during an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, on Tuesday

Israeli soldiers remove the body of a compatriot, killed during an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, on Tuesday

He said his terrified 90-year-old grandmother’s last moments were being dragged into her living room and shot twice in the head.

A sobbing Israeli woman said she had to listen in helpless horror as her 12-year-old autistic daughter was kidnapped while clinging desperately to her grandmother.

As vengeful Israel unleashes hell in military retaliation, stunned survivors are gathering at refugee hotels a safe distance from the front line – where they weep.

Last night at the Leonardo Plaza Hotel on the Dead Sea, dozens were sat in the lobby and coffee shop, some carrying photos of loved ones butchered or kidnapped.
