Apex gang victim prepares to leave Australia out of fear

The mother of a teenager left traumatised by a violent Apex gang carjacking says her son is fleeing overseas because he is so scared of being attacked again.

Sam Newman was driving home with his mate Daniel after a night out in the south of Melbourne in late-2015 when their car was rammed from behind by a stolen BMW.

Issac Gatkuoth, an ice addict and alleged ring leader of the notorious Apex gang, got out of the BMW and ran up to the window of their car brandishing a shotgun.

In the wake of that shocking attack, a traumatised Mr Newman took his own life. 

And now, after the Sudanese gangster appealed against being deported back to his homeland, Daniel’s mother told Daily Mail Australia she is furious her 21-year-old son may leave first because he is so frightened of again falling victim to gang violence.


Sam Newman (right) and his best mate Daniel (left) were carjacked by an alleged leader of the Apex gang, Isaac Gatkuoth in 2015. The event led Mr Newman to take his own life, while Daniel continues to be traumatised to this day

Isaac Gatkuoth (pictured) is fighting against a move to deport him back to Sudan

Isaac Gatkuoth (pictured) is fighting against a move to deport him back to Sudan

Shelley – who is so scared for her safety she asked for her or Daniel’s last names not to be used – said her son had not yet recovered from the incident some two years on.

‘He relives Sam’s death everyday. The day Sam took his own life was the day I lost a part of my son,’ she tearfully told Daily Mail Australia.

‘My son’s leaving the country in August because he can’t handle it anymore. I’m now losing him and it’s not fair, it’s all because of this stupid idiot.

‘He’s scared to go out now in case any of that kid’s friends recognise him and attack him again. Victim’s of Crime put an alarm system in our house, but we’re still scared.’

On that fateful night Gatkuoth – wearing a smiley mask – walked up to the driver and pointed a sawn-off shotgun at his head before ordering him to hand over his keys.

He was ordered to spend 16 months in youth detention, a sentence which led to his visa automatically being cancelled and plans made to ship him back to Sudan. 

But the 20-year-old, who is currently being held on Christmas Island, has appealed a move to cancel his visa – leaving Shelley furious .

‘He had every chance to make a life for himself in this country, but he took drugs and committed the crime,’ she said. 

‘There’s consequences. I lost my son the day he committed that crime. I lost Sam the day he committed that crime.

In the wake of that shocking attack Sam Newman (pictured) took his own life

Shelley (pictured) said her shattered son Daniel relives the death of his best friend everyday

‘The day Sam took his own life was the day I lost a part of my son’: Shelley (right) said her shattered son Daniel relives the death of his best friend Sam (left) each and everyday

Gatkuoth (pictured) spent 16 months in youth detention after the carjacking and is now being held on Christmas Island. He is appealing against a move to have him deported back to Sudan

Gatkuoth (pictured) spent 16 months in youth detention after the carjacking and is now being held on Christmas Island. He is appealing against a move to have him deported back to Sudan

‘Daniel keeps blaming himself for Sam’s death because he was away with his dad and sister on holidays at the time and he was going to ask Sam to come with them.

‘We miss that kid so much and Daniel’s just lost. They were soul mates. And now he’s going to go overseas to escape because he just needs to get away.’

The shocking carjacking attack wasn’t the only one to be committed by members of the Apex gang in the stolen BMW.

Amanda Matheson, 47, died after her vehicle was struck head-on by the same luxury car as it hurtled down the wrong side of the road three days later.

The mother-of-three died in hospital three days after the attack. A 15-year-old boy at the wheel of the stolen car was jailed for three years in 2016. 

Amanda Matheson (pictured), 47, died after her vehicle was struck head-on by the same stolen BMW just days after the carjacking. A 15-year-old boy was jailed for killing the mother-of-three

Amanda Matheson (pictured), 47, died after her vehicle was struck head-on by the same stolen BMW just days after the carjacking. A 15-year-old boy was jailed for killing the mother-of-three

In recent weeks there has been growing unrest in Melbourne's western suburbs over growing crime rates among African youths (Pictured is a man being arrested in an unrelated incident)

In recent weeks there has been growing unrest in Melbourne’s western suburbs over growing crime rates among African youths (Pictured is a man being arrested in an unrelated incident)

In Tarneit, in the city's west, African youths have reportedly committed a number of robberies and violent crimes in recent weeks (Pictured is a youth being spoken to by a police officer out the front of a Tarneit shopping centre)

In Tarneit, in the city’s west, African youths have reportedly committed a number of robberies and violent crimes in recent weeks (Pictured is a youth being spoken to by a police officer out the front of a Tarneit shopping centre)

Gatkuoth has previously denied being a member of the Apex gang, with supporters of his online saying his ‘hellish upbringing’ had contributed to his crime spree.

A petition aiming to ‘stop the Australian government deporting Issac Gatkuoth’ was backed by 602 people when set up last year.

‘Issac Gatkuoth came to Australia as a nine-year old child refugee. He “endured a hellish, parentless upbringing in Sudan”,’ the petition read.

‘He hasn’t seen his mother since he was five years old, his two brothers were killed when his village was “wiped out”.’

A petition (pictured) aiming to 'stop the Australian government deporting Issac Gatkuoth' was backed by 602 people when set up last year

A petition (pictured) aiming to ‘stop the Australian government deporting Issac Gatkuoth’ was backed by 602 people when set up last year

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk