Apex ringleader back behind bars after home invasion

  • Ringleader of Melbourne’s notorious Apex gang has been put back behind bars 
  • Police swooped to arrest 18-year-old and his two alleged accomplices, 17 and 19
  • The 18-year-old one of original Apex members and was a ‘one-man crime wave’
  • Released from jail in September after inciting crime spree that shook Melbourne 

A ringleader of Melbourne’s notorious Apex gang has been thrown back behind bars following a violent home invasion just weeks after he was released from prison. 

Police swooped to arrest the 18-year-old and his two alleged accomplices, aged 17 and 19, after what police allege was an aggravated home invasion in Geelong last week. 

The 18-year-old, who was released from jail in September, incited a series of carjackings, home invasions and armed robberies across Melbourne last year, the Herald Sun reported.  

A ringleader of Melbourne’s notorious Apex gang has been thrown back behind bars following a violent home invasion just weeks after he was released from prison

Police swooped to arrest the 18-year-old and his two alleged accomplices, aged 17 and 19, after what police say was an aggravated home invasion in Geelong

Police swooped to arrest the 18-year-old and his two alleged accomplices, aged 17 and 19, after what police say was an aggravated home invasion in Geelong

The teenager was one of the original members of the gang and was a ‘one-man crime wave,’ a source told the publication.

The burglary was committed at a home in the suburb of Leopold at around 2am on November 2, Victoria Police said in a statement.

‘The three men have each been charged with aggravated home invasion, (assault) with a firearm, reckless conduct ­endangering life, being a prohibited person using a firearm, intentionally causing injury, and theft of motor vehicle,’ the statement read. 

The 18-year-old appeared at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court last week and is due to face Geelong Magistrates’ Court in February. 

The teenager (not pictured) was one of the original members of the Apex gang and was a 'one-man crime wave,' a source said

The teenager (not pictured) was one of the original members of the Apex gang and was a ‘one-man crime wave,’ a source said


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