Are these the Michael McIntyre moped muggers?

A motorist stabbed with a zombie knife then mugged while stuck in traffic thinks his attackers were the same gang which targeted Michael McIntyre.

The 27-year-old driver, who is not named to protect him from reprisals, was set upon by four people on London’s North Circular Road in Finchley on June 2.

His dashcam footage captured one of the robbers jumping on his car. He said they screamed: ‘Give us your watches!’

Terrifying dashcam footage on the London’s North Circular Road in Finchley shows a moped mugger seconds before he jumps on a motorist’s bonnet in a vicious attack

The gang then smashed the windscreen and stabbed him in the arm with a 12inch blade before snatching his and his passenger’s watches and running off.

The attack happened two days before comedian McIntyre, 42, was robbed of his £15,000 Rolex watch three miles away in Golders Green as he did the school run.

The driver, a business analyst, believes his and McIntyre’s violent muggings were carried out by the same ruthless gang.

Police have not ruled out there being a potential connection between the crimes but are not linking them at this stage.

‘They had hammers and a moped. It sounds like the same people,’ he said.

‘As soon as they got my watch, they sped off on mopeds. There were six of them in total I think, three mopeds, each with two people on.

‘I got out of the car after they’d gone and my friend said ”look, you’re bleeding”. I gazed down at my wrist and blood was dripping all over the floor.

‘I was taken to hospital and had four stitches on my right wrist.’

The stab wound suffered by the driver who was targeted by moped robbers on London's North Circular Road

The stab wound suffered by the driver who was targeted by moped robbers on London’s North Circular Road

The armed thugs made off with his Audemars Piguet Royal Oak watch, worth an estimated £20,000, and his passenger’s Fossil watch.

They also caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to his red Mazda sports car.

He now wants to move to a the United Arab Emirates where penalties for robbery are higher and incidents are less frequent.

He added: ‘Luckily it wasn’t worse but these moped muggers seem to be out of control at the moment.’

Michael McIntyre talks to an officer beside his damaged car after he was mugged for his £15,000 Rolex watch in Golders Green, north London

Michael McIntyre talks to an officer beside his damaged car after he was mugged for his £15,000 Rolex watch in Golders Green, north London

In February more than 250 knives and swords were seized across London in just one week and 283 people, many of them teenagers, were arrested for carrying them.

There were more than 23,000 moped-related crimes in London last year – an average of 60 every day.

There have been a staggering 74 murders in London this year. The latest victim was a man in his 30s who was stabbed to death in Haringey on Saturday night.

MPs have called London the ‘Wild West’ because gangs appear fearless about being caught.

The driver targeted on the North Circular Road said police are not convinced they will be able to track down the armed robbers who attacked him.

Their faces were covered and they left little evidence.

But offices are appealing for information to help find the gang.

‘My fiancée and mother are still crying because they thought I could have been killed for my watch,’ said the victim.

Last year Danny Pearce, 31, was stabbed to death for his Rolex watch after being set upon by two moped-riding thugs in Greenwich, south east London.