Are these the worst Airbnb guests ever? Host claims tourists ‘from hell’ caused £5,000 worth of damage in just ONE night – after breaking a sofa and wardrobe and leaving ‘laughing gas’ canisters strewn across his home
- Anonymous Airbnb owner shared footage of devastation left by unruly guests, who stayed in his home for just one night, estimating £5,000 of damage
- Staggered landlord was greeted with discarded cans of nitrous oxide – commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ and broken furniture
- The footage he took showing the damage has gone viral on TikTok
- Landlord, 41, says he hopes insurance will cover damage and losses caused by him being unable to rent the home out until the breakages have been repaired
An Airbnb host has revealed how every landlord’s nightmare came true for him when ‘guests from hell’ managed to wreck his rental property in North London in just one night.
The property owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared footage of what greeted him when he arrived at the holiday rental after the guests had checked out.
He says he faced scenes of carnage, with nearly £5,000 of damage caused by the people who’d rented it.
Anonymous Airbnb owner shared footage of the devastation left by guests, who stayed in his home for just one night, leaving a broken wardrobe, sofa and laughing gas canisters everywhere

Staggered landlord was greeted with canisters of nitrous oxide – commonly known as ‘laughing gas’, with neighbours warning of loud music from 7pm on the evening the guests checked in

The host claims his tourists ‘from hell’ caused £5,000 worth of damage during their one night stay, saying he can’t rent the property out until repairs have been made

A brand new sofa was also left disjointed, the Airbnb host posted a clip of what he found on social media and has seen it go viral
Alongside a broken wardrobe, broken blind and bags of rubbish everywhere there were also multiple discarded cans of nitrous oxide – commonly known as ‘laughing gas’.
The horror guests booked the property on the day of their stay and allegedly smashed huge holes in a wardrobe door, broke a sofa and damaged blinds.
Cigarette butts and cans of Fastgas were also found scattered across the home.
The 41-year-old host said he received noise complaints from local residents about the guests and now hopes that Airbnb’s insurance will cover the cost of the damage.
However, he says he’s been left out of pocket after being unable to let the property out to other guests due to the damage.

The kitchen, as it was left: The host reached out to the guests on Airbnb and asked them to follow the house rules but they didn’t respond

A plant pot was used as an ashtray during the guests stayed, some who’ve seen the video say the landlord should name and shame them
He told MailOnline: ‘I have a couple Airbnb’s and I’ve done it for a couple of years and I’ve never seen anything like it.
‘At around 7pm, I received complaints from neighbours that the music was very loud and that they had gas balloons outside the property.
‘I reached out to the guest on Airbnb and asked them to follow the house rules but they didn’t respond. I drove past the property later and saw what the neighbours had said.
He said attempts to contact them via Airbnb saw the tourist rental company told ‘there was nothing going on and they weren’t having a party.’

Blind cords were also pulled away from the blinds at the property in North London

Fearing that the situation might escalate if he called the police, the landlord decided to wait until the next morning but got the shock of his life when he arrived at his property.
‘I hoped Airbnb would calm things down but I was wrong. I went in the next day after they’d checked out to find they’d broken my brand new three seater sofa, a two door cupboard, three or four blind pullers and that the walls and floors were damaged.
He added: ‘I’d never seen anything like this before, I was pretty shocked.’
A video of the damage was posted on TikTok on Sunday describing the party-goers as the ‘guests from hell’. The clip has attracted over 21,000 views and dozens of comments from shocked viewers.
One said: ‘Ouch, I feel you.’ Another added: ‘I hope that you have enough of a deposit to cover this’.
Others said the landlord should ‘name and shame’ the perpetrators.