Arizona lawmaker lashes out at sexual harassment accuser

An Arizona state representative accused of sexual harassment by a female colleague angrily took back his apology on Wednesday and then accused her of having an extramarital affair.

Don Shooter, a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, lashed out at fellow state Rep Michelle Ugenti-Rita on Wednesday.

He accused her of concocting sexual harassment allegations out of revenge for his voicing disapproval over an extramarital affair she supposedly had that is believed to have led to her divorce from her husband.

Ugenti-Rita came forward and alleged on Tuesday that Shooter harassed for repeatedly over a period of years by making crude remarks about her figure and with unwanted sexual advances.

Arizona House Rep Michelle Ugenti-Rita came forward on Tuesday and revealed the identity of the man who she says harassed her repeatedly for years

Don Shooter

Michelle Ugenti-Rita

Don Shooter, a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, lashed out at Ugenti-Rita after she accused him of harassing her

Ugenti-Rita, who represents the Phoenix area suburb of Scottsdale, said that she wrote down details of one instance of alleged harassment from June 2011. ‘He tells me that he loves me and asks if there's an opportunity for us to be together in the future,’ she said, reading from a memo she wrote

Ugenti-Rita, who represents the Phoenix area suburb of Scottsdale, said that she wrote down details of one instance of alleged harassment from June 2011. ‘He tells me that he loves me and asks if there’s an opportunity for us to be together in the future,’ she said, reading from a memo she wrote

Shooter accused her of concocting sexual harassment allegations out of revenge for his voicing disapproval over an extramarital affair she supposedly had that is believed to have led to her divorce from her husband

Shooter accused her of concocting sexual harassment allegations out of revenge for his voicing disapproval over an extramarital affair she supposedly had that is believed to have led to her divorce from her husband

Both Ugenti-Rita and Shooter are Republicans.

Initially, Ugenti-Rita said that she was a victim of sexual harassment, though she did not name the perpetrator.

‘I do feel compelled to want to come forward with someone who has been who has harassed me since I got here,’ Ugenti-Rita told KPHO-TV.

‘Currently he’s a former senator and he’s appropriations chairman Don Shooter.

Initially, Ugenti-Rita said that she was a victim of sexual harassment, though she did not name the perpetrator

Initially, Ugenti-Rita said that she was a victim of sexual harassment, though she did not name the perpetrator

Ugenti-Rita says she notified senior leadership in the Arizona State House of Representatives of the alleged harassment

She says she is fearful of potential retaliation from Shooter

Ugenti-Rita says she notified senior leadership in the Arizona State House of Representatives of the alleged harassment. She says she is fearful of potential retaliation from Shooter

‘There was an incident where he came to my office during the day and asked about my chest,’ she said.

‘At a conference, he came to my room uninvited with a six pack of beer. I never answered the door.

‘He told me in June 2011, after a tort reform meeting in the House, that he was in love with me, that he had never felt that way about someone, that he wanted to have a relationship,’ she said.

Despite repeated requests for Shooter to stop, he never did, Ugenti-Rita alleges.

‘At a Republican fundraiser at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort, he walked me to my car and proceeded to try to convince me to go to a room,’ she said.

‘He knew I was uncomfortable because I told him. I remember two incidences specifically where I told him directly that what he was doing was wrong.’

Ugenti-Rita, who represents the Phoenix area suburb of Scottsdale, said that she wrote down details of one instance of alleged harassment from June 2011.

‘He tells me that he loves me and asks if there’s an opportunity for us to be together in the future,’ she said, reading from a memo she wrote.

‘Just then, he bursts out, “I have been married for 32 years and have never done anything”.’

Ugenti-Rita says she notified senior leadership in the Arizona State House of Representatives of the alleged harassment.

She says she is fearful of potential retaliation from Shooter.

‘I’m worried about retaliation. I’m worried about … you know… it’s an uncomfortable spot.

‘You don’t want to be thought of differently. You don’t want to be pointed at or whispered about.’

On Tuesday, Shooter apologized after he was informed of Ugenti-Rita’s comments.

He said he ‘apparently said things that were insensitive and not taken well.’

But later Tuesday evening, he retracted his apology.

‘Earlier today I was told that Ms Ugenti was upset by some comments I made, but I wasn’t given any details on what she had accused me of saying,’ Shooter said.

‘I responded that if I had said the wrong things I was sorry and that I would talk with her.

The Arizona State House of Representatives said it would investigate the matter

The Arizona State House of Representatives said it would investigate the matter

‘Since then, I’ve actually seen the text of Ms Ugenti’s accusations and I absolutely withdraw my apology.

‘I’ve been happily married for 41 years, I’ve never cheated on my wife, and there isn’t a woman on this planet I would leave my wife for.

‘Michelle and I got along well when we were both first elected, as we shared a similar irreverent sense of humor, were both conservatives, etc. But that’s all.

‘The trouble with Ms Ugenti stems from my publicly voiced disapproval over how she has conducted herself personally, with staff, and later with legislation.

‘While virtually every member of the legislature just whispered disapprovingly at Ms. Ugenti’s conduct, I actually said things out loud.

‘I was particularly critical of her carrying on a very public affair with House staff, specifically the House Speaker’s Chief of Staff.

‘I knew Frank, Michelle’s husband and the father of her kids, and I thought it was a lousy thing to do.

‘In fact, I complained about it to the Speaker at the time.

‘Obviously, she didn’t want my advice or opinion and she continued the affair until it destroyed her marriage.

‘To say that we didn’t get along after that time would be an understatement.

‘Later I took offense to the way she screwed with really good bills, like being the only Republican to vote no on a Blue Lives Matter bill to better protect the police from violent assault.

‘I can’t speak to anything anyone else did or didn’t do, but Ms Ugenti is the only member of the Legislature to make masturbation jokes to a fellow member (and pastor) during a committee hearing, and to my knowledge she is the only member of the Legislature to carry on a very public affair with a subordinate.

‘Ms Ugenti is lying about me and I have asked Speaker Mesnard to have the entire matter investigated by the House Ethics Committee / Counsel.

‘At the conclusion of their work, I will consider taking further legal action in this matter.’

The Arizona State House of Representatives said it would investigate the matter.

In March 2014, Ugenti-Rita filed for divorce from her husband of nine years, Frank. They have three children.

When her husband sought to obtain records of his wife’s text messages, Ugenti-Rita refused, citing legislative privilege, according to The Arizona Republic. 

Ugenti-Rita sought to obtain the text messages because he suspected that his wife was having an affair.