Army veterans involved in Bloody Sunday ‘could be charged with murder within weeks’ 

Army veterans involved in Bloody Sunday ‘could be charged with murder within weeks’

  • Prosecutors are investigating the deaths of 14 unarmed civilians in January 1972
  • The demonstrators were shot dead by members of the Parachute Regiment 
  • Some 17 soldiers, the oldest of whom is 77, remain under criminal investigation 
  • Conservative MPs have called for the probe to be abandoned after 47 years

Army veterans involved in Bloody Sunday could be charged with murder within days.

Seventeen ex-soldiers, the oldest of whom is 77, remain under investigation over the shootings in Londonderry 47 years ago.

Prosecutors in Northern Ireland are to meet families of the victims on March 14 before announcing whether the former paratroopers will stand trial. They face charges ranging from perjury to murder. 

Members of the Parachute Regiment shot dead 14 unarmed civilians in Derry in January 1972

The soldiers opened fire on the civil rights marchers who were protesting against internment without charge

The soldiers opened fire on the civil rights marchers who were protesting against internment without charge

‘There are four soldiers most at risk of being charged with murder,’ a source told the Daily Telegraph. ‘I fear prosecutors will throw the book at everybody and see what sticks … it seems a complete waste of money to pursue troops almost 50 years on.’

The Mail has long campaigned against a witch-hunt of British troops. Their treatment stands in stark contrast to members of the IRA who, under the Good Friday Agreement of 1999, face a maximum of two years in prison for atrocities during the Troubles.

One soldier facing two charges of attempted murder, who can only be identified as Sergeant O, is accused of firing into the air and hitting brickwork which may have fallen and injured civilians. 

Some 17 former members of the Parachute Regiment will discover later this month if they will face charges in connection with the January 1972 incident which claimed 14 lives

Some 17 former members of the Parachute Regiment will discover later this month if they will face charges in connection with the January 1972 incident which claimed 14 lives

Soldiers rounded up hundreds of people but did not find any firearms on the dead victims

Soldiers rounded up hundreds of people but did not find any firearms on the dead victims

He said: ‘It is a worry. It just niggles away.’ However, he added: ‘I am in my late 70s. I am in God’s waiting room. There is not a lot they can do to me.’ The group of 17 have been left in limbo since 2016, when they were interviewed under police caution. An 18th veteran was also interviewed, but died before Christmas.

The criminal investigation began following the 12-year inquiry led by Lord Saville, which ended in 2010. Costing £200million, it concluded troops ‘lost control’ on January 30, 1972 when troops from the 1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment opened fire on protesters, killing 14 and injuring another 14.

The former soldiers at the greatest risk of murder charges were highlighted in Lord Saville’s report as Lance Corporal F, Corporal P, Soldier R and Soldier U.

Under the rules of the inquiry, the soldiers involved have been granted anonymity. However, they fear they could be identified if the cases end up in court. 

The events on January 30, 1972 resulted in a £200 million public inquiry 

The events on January 30, 1972 resulted in a £200 million public inquiry 

Prosecutors will have to prove individuals were responsible for particular crimes. Little forensic evidence remains, and statements from the initial investigation in 1972 may also be excluded as soldiers were under pressure from commanding officers. Evidence given to Lord Saville by soldiers cannot be used against them.

Conservative MP Johnny Mercer, who is a former Army captain who served in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland said the public would 'take a dim view of a decision to charge veterans some 47 years after the event'

Conservative MP Johnny Mercer, who is a former Army captain who served in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland said the public would ‘take a dim view of a decision to charge veterans some 47 years after the event’

Johnny Mercer, a Conservative MP and former Army captain who served in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland, told the Daily Telegraph: ‘I think the British public will take a dim view of a decision taken to charge veterans some 47 years after the event.’

The Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland will inform victims’ families of decisions on prosecutions before any public announcements are made.

The Ministry of Defence declined to comment last night.

The developments follow controversy over those who saw action in the Gulf. In 2010 the Iraq Historic Allegations Team, or Ihat, was set up to investigate claims of murder, torture and wrongdoing by British troops. Over seven years more than 3,600 claims were filed, costing the taxpayer £60million – but not one resulted in prosecution.

That was disbanded by then defence secretary Sir Michael Fallon after a scathing report by MPs attacked its ‘deeply disturbing’ treatment of serving and retired troops.

Bloody Sunday January 30, 1972 

Some 15,000 demonstrators gathered in Derry on January 30, 1972 to protest against internment without charge.

The march from the nationalist Creggan district of Derry was due to end in the City Centre. 

The British government decided to deploy the Parachute Regiment to area after they banned the march. 

The army had orders not to allow the demonstrators into the Guildhall Square in the city centre. 

Shortly before opening fire, some youths started throwing rocks at British troops, who responded with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon. 

 After a minor riot developed, members of the Parachute Regiment dismounted from armoured vehicles and opened fire at protesters with live ammunition. 

Some 26 unarmed civilians were shot and 13 died of their wounds that day. A 14th person, John Johnston died of his wounds later.