‘Arrogant’ motorist ‘ogles women’ on TINDER while driving

An ‘arrogant’ middle-aged BMW driver allegedly cut up cars and caused chaos during rush hour while ogling young women on Tinder from behind the wheel.

The motorist was spotted aggressively wedging himself into small spaces between cars forcing other drivers to swerve near Manor House station in North London.

His fellow commuter and father-of-three, known only as Steve, 48, was left appalled when he realised the male driver was using the dating app last Friday at 6pm.

The male driver was using the dating app on Friday at 6pm

The ‘arrogant’ middle-aged driver was ogling young women on Tinder from behind the wheel

The driver was seen aggressively wedging himself into small spaces while looking at his phone

The driver was seen aggressively wedging himself into small spaces while looking at his phone

The IT consultant from Haringey ensured he caught the antics on camera as the ’50-odd’ man swiped left and right while seemingly paying little attention to the road. 

Steve wrote on social media: ‘Having repeatedly cut me and other drivers up (and) almost causing an accident, I noticed he was doing Tinder swipes as he was driving. Number plate should be d***head.’

Steve said: ‘I couldn’t believe it – I was very annoyed. It’s always BMW drivers that seem to want to be in front. He was probably trying to fix a date for that evening.

‘He was definitely in a rush. He ended up just in front of me and I could just see through his back window these young women on his phone.

The motorist was swiping left and right while seemingly paying little attention to the road

The driver is seen using the app

The motorist was swiping left and right while seemingly paying little attention to the road

‘I saw the profiles on his screen and said to my colleague ‘hang on, what’s he doing?’ 

Steve, 48, an IT consultant from Haringey, spotted the man near Manor House station

Steve, 48, an IT consultant from Haringey, spotted the man near Manor House station

‘He was about 50-odd and we thought it was really funny so I told my colleague to get a picture of it.

‘The driver was completely oblivious to us taking the pictures and in his own world, swiping left and right for these much younger girls.

‘He was one of the most arrogant drivers I’ve seen. I’ve got a thing about BMW drivers – they are some of the worst in the world.’

The commuter and his colleague were only behind the grey-haired man for a short time, but he still managed to nearly cause Steve to crash.

Steve said: ‘This guy was so dangerous forcing me and other drivers to brake hard by pulling out in front of us with no apparent concern for safety.

‘When I ended up behind him and I just couldn’t believe he was ogling girls on his phone.

The man was driving on this road near Manor House Underground station in North London

The man was driving on this road near Manor House Underground station in North London

‘I’d gone around the corner and stopped in traffic when I noticed him undercutting, overtaking and really sharply pulling in front of people.

‘He cut the driver in front of me up. People were trying not to let him in but they didn’t stand a chance. At one point I had to do an emergency stop to avoid hitting him.

‘Some people have even suggested he’d bought a different badge for the car to make it look like a better model. Others suggested he wasn’t on Tinder but Grindr.

‘I don’t know about that – all I saw was a man over 50 looking at young ladies.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk