Arron Banks backs Brexit deal but Nigel Farage brands it ‘dreadful’

Battle of the Brexit ‘Bad Boys’ as Arron Banks backs Boris Johnson’s deal after Nigel Farage brands it ‘dreadful’ and says he would rather delay leaving the EU again than support it

  • Mr Banks said the deal would allow the country to move on to a general election
  • Tweeted: ‘We back this deal against another delay and more Remainer plots’
  • Mr Farage in contrast said ‘I would much rather we had an extension’ before vote

The Bad Boys of Brexit were at loggerheads today after one of the most militant eurosceptics from the referendum campaign backed Boris Johnson’s withdrawal agreement. 

Leave.EU supremo Arron Banks urged MPs to vote for the Prime Minister’s deal, saying it would allow the country to move on to have a general election.

But his capitulation came the day after close friend and associate Nigel Farage said the deal was ‘dreadful’ and he would rather have another Brexit delay to allow voters to go to the polls.

In a series of tweets Mr Banks, whose autobiography was called The Bad Boys of Brexit, said: ‘Leave.EU would prefer a purer Brexit, but we back this deal against another delay and more Remainer plots to thwart Brexit altogether. 

Leave.EU supremo Arron Banks urged MPs to vote for the Prime Minister’s deal, saying it would allow the country move on to have a general election.

Close friend and associate Nigel Farage said the deal was 'dreadful' and he would rather have another Brexit delay to allow voters to go to the polls

Close friend and associate Nigel Farage said the deal was ‘dreadful’ and he would rather have another Brexit delay to allow voters to go to the polls

‘This is war, not a battle – let’s move on and crush the anti-Semitic Labour Party with a Patriotic Alliance for a huge majority!

‘Let’s pocket the best win we can realistically get at this stage and focus on Phase 2: the election.

‘For too long these Remoaners have got away with ignoring the will of the people.’

Nigel Farage yesterday blasted EU chief Jean Claude-Juncker for appearing to rule out a delay to Brexit if Boris Johnson’s deal fails to win approval from MPs on Saturday. 

He also claimed today that it would be better to delay Brexit than leave under Mr Johnson’s new deal.

The Brexit Party leader lashed out at the compromise hammered out by the Prime Minister with Brussels and claimed it would be thrown out by MPs.

He told Sky News: ‘Look I would much rather we had an extension and a chance of a general election than accept this dreadful new EU treaty.’ 

Mr Johnson’s deal offers a harder divorce from the EU than Theresa May’s original agreement but it falls far short of the red lines of hardline Brexiteers like Mr Farage who believe the UK should quit the bloc without an accord. 

MPs are set to vote on Mr Johnson’s eleventh hour agreement in a historic session in the House of Commons on Saturday.