Art dealer Jonathan Poole jailed for conning celebrities

An art dealer to the rich and famous who stole more than a quarter of a million pounds from wealthy and celebrity clients has only £15,000 that he can repay, a court heard.

Jonathan Poole, whose victims included TV illusionist Derren Brown and Dire Straits guitarist John Illsley, today accepted he had benefited from crime by £266,143.50.

But Gloucester Crown Court heard that the money he owes is tied up in a Sebastian Kruger painting of model Kate Moss.

He owns the picture with Edinburgh company director Mark Noble, who had been one of Poole’s biggest victims, losing £142,000.   

He said that the money he has is tied up in a painting of Kate Moss

Jonathan Poole (pictured) accepted he had benefited from crime by a staggering £266,143.50 

The money he owes is tied up in a Sebastian Kruger painting of model Kate Moss (pictured) 

The money he owes is tied up in a Sebastian Kruger painting of model Kate Moss (pictured) 

Poole, who represented Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood and the estate of John Lennon in selling their paintings, appeared before the court today by video link from prison, where he is serving a four year sentence imposed last September.

The court had been due to make an order against him today under the Proceeds of Crime Act. 

But the hearing was adjourned by Judge Michael Cullum until July 20 so that the issue of the Kruger painting can be resolved. 

James Ward, prosecuting, said the painting would either have to be sold or Mr Noble would have to buy out Poole’s share so he could forfeit £15,000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Poole had advised that it was possible the painting would be worth more in six months time so he may be able to repay more than £15,000, added the barrister.

The stolen artworks also including paintings by John Lennon and Miles Davis, a court heard

The stolen artworks also including paintings by John Lennon and Miles Davis, a court heard

He had benefited by more than £250,000

He says he only has £15,000 left

He sold portraits of Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan, Ringo Starr, Kate Moss and Marilyn Monroe which were painted by Ronnie Wood

Judge Cullum confirmed with Poole that he accepted the benefit and asset figures given by the prosecution and adjourned the hearing till July 20.

At last year’s sentencing hearing the court was told that Poole ran the Compton Cassey Gallery on the estate of Lord Vestey, Master of the Queen’s Horse, at Stowell Park in the Cotswolds.

After 40 years in business he had a high worldwide reputation in the art world, running a major exhibition month in cities around the globe.

Millionaire clients in Britain and Germany trusted him implicitly to buy, sell and exhibit works for them.

Poole specialised in paintings by celebrities of other celebrities. 

The subjects of the paintings involved in his crimes included Kate Moss, Steve McQueen, Ringo Starr, Jack Nicholson, Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Bob Dylan and Johnny Depp.

A police officer dealing with the case was photographed carrying one of the many paintings involved into court

A police officer dealing with the case was photographed carrying one of the many paintings involved into court

The court heard that during a 30 year period Poole cheated and deceived some of his clients – telling them he would sell paintings for them but then pocketing the proceeds without informing them there had been a sale.

One one occasion he sold a £10,000 painting twice but never delivered to either of the buyers.

His own brother, Nicholas, was also a loser after paying Poole £10,000 for a Ronnie Wood painting that belonged to one of the gallery’s clients.

Poole, of Poulton, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire, pleaded guilty to 24 offences of theft and two of fraud. 

He denied 32 other offences which the prosecution did not proceed with. They were all left on file.