Artist puts Al Franken on Greatest Showman billboard

The well-known conservative street artist Sabo has taken found his next victim in embattled politician Al Franken. 

On Thursday, Hollywood awoke to find the image of Dem. Sen. Franken from a now infamous photograph of him groping a sleeping model plastered on to a huge billboard advertising the film The Greatest Showman.

He is seen leering towards Zendaya, the original subject of the 20th Century Fox advertisement, who is on a flying trapeze. 

Another billboard featuring the film’s star Zac Efron, which is positioned on the other side of the road, remained untouched. 

They tower over the 405 freeway near the National Blvd.

When questioned, Sabo mischievously told The Hollywood Reporter: ‘Efron wanted to catch her, but Franken got there first, I guess.’ 

The jibe is the latest in a string of unsavory moments for Franken who, in recent weeks, has been plagued with accusations of sexual misconduct from five different women.

The street artist Sabo pasted Al Franken’s image onto a billboard for The Greatest Showman featuring the actress Zendaya this week in a jibe at his alleged sexual harassment of women 

The offending photograph of him and Leeann Tweeden triggered the storm. 

It shows him jokingly touching her breasts over a bullet proof vest while she slept during a 2006 USO tour. 

Tweeden revealed it earlier this month and said it was the culmination of weeks of sexual harassment which she claimed also involved him pushing her into a closet to forcibly kiss her.

Franken apologized twice, accepting its impropriety. 

Another four women have since come forward  to claim he inappropriately touched them. 

Lindsay Menz says he groped her as the pair took a photograph together at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair. 

On Thursday, army veteran Stephanie Kemplin claimed for the first time that Franken groped her breast during a meet-and-greet as she served in Kuwait in 2003. 

At the time, he was a comedian and had not yet launched his political career. 

She told CNN: ‘When he put his arm around me, he groped my right breast. He kept his hand all the way over on my breast. 

The billboard is on one side of the 405 freeway and is part of a pair. On the other side, Zac Efron, the star of the film, is depicted 

The billboard is on one side of the 405 freeway and is part of a pair. On the other side, Zac Efron, the star of the film, is depicted 

The artist took the image of Franken from this 2006 photograph which shows him jokingly placing his hands over model Leeann Tweeden's breasts during a USO tour 

The artist took the image of Franken from this 2006 photograph which shows him jokingly placing his hands over model Leeann Tweeden’s breasts during a USO tour 

‘I’ve never had a man put their arm around me and then cup my breast. So he was holding my breast on the side.’ 

She was 27 at the time and a military officer who had been a fan of Franken in Saturday Night Live.

Two other women who have not been named spoke to The Huffington Post about other alleged encounters with him.  

A Senate Ethics Committee investigation looking in to the women’s allegations is now underway. 

In response to the latest accuser’s claims on Thursday, a Franken representative reiterated his earlier statement that he had never intentionally groped anyone while taking a photograph, nor has he ever meant to launch unwanted advances on them. 

Lindsay Menz claims Franken groped her as they took this photograph together at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair

Lindsay Menz claims Franken groped her as they took this photograph together at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair

Army veteran Stephanie Kemplin claimed on Thursday that Franken cupped her breast before this photograph of them was taken in Kuwait in 2003 

Army veteran Stephanie Kemplin claimed on Thursday that Franken cupped her breast before this photograph of them was taken in Kuwait in 2003 

Artist: Sabo is a conservative street artist based in Los Angeles 

Artist: Sabo is a conservative street artist based in Los Angeles 

‘As Sen. Franken made clear this week, he takes thousands of photos and has met tens of thousands of people and he has never intentionally engaged in this kind of conduct. 

‘He remains fully committed to cooperating with the ethics investigation,’ they said. 

Sabo is a well known political street artist. His previous subjects have included Hillary Clinton, Lena Dunham, Donald Trump and Barack Obama. 

After vowing to back Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2016 election, even though he was not a candidate, the artist finally switched his allegiance to Trump before the votes were cast. 

Previous works include this mock Rolling Stone cover depicting Lena Denham next to the headline Rape Fantasies 

Previous works include this mock Rolling Stone cover depicting Lena Denham next to the headline Rape Fantasies 

Sabo was initially reluctant to back Trump and wanted Ted Cruz in the White House. He finally relented and began endorsing him earlier this year 

Sabo was initially reluctant to back Trump and wanted Ted Cruz in the White House. He finally relented and began endorsing him earlier this year