Artist sparks fury after mocking workmen in McDonald’s

  • Artist Hetty Douglas sparked fury online after post of workmen in McDonald’s
  • Douglas sneered in a snapchat post that the men ‘they look like they got 1 GCSE’
  • Her post was shared on Twitter prompting comment she was a ‘spoilt rich girl’ 

A ‘spoilt rich girl’ artist has sparked fury after posting a picture mocking workmen as they stood in McDonald’s.

Hetty Douglas shared a photo on her Instagram of two men in boots and blue jogging bottoms, with the sneering caption: ‘they look like they got 1 GCSE’. 

The artist’s post was later shared on Twitter, prompting thousands of people to hit back at her offensive comment.

Artist Hetty Douglas incensed people on Twitter after this post mocking workmen on her Instagram account

Replying to Douglas’ sneer, a tweeter wrote: ‘and you look like a spoiled rich girl gentrifying south London.’ 

Another fumed: ‘Would pay to see her kindly and gently explain to the blokes why she feels she can mock them behind their backs to 15k people.’

One person wrote: ‘You wouldn’t last two minutes in the shoes of a tradesman.’ 

Another tweeter added: ‘What a ghastly person. They actually look like guys who do a decent days work. Maybe she doesn’t.’

Douglas, who comes from Nottingham but studied art at University of Arts London, previously shared a picture of herself posing with a work-plan as she went to sign on for Job Seekers Allowance.

Her post mocking the working men is seemingly in conflict with her usual philosophy.

Hetty Douglas

Hetty Douglas

Douglas (left) previously posted a picture of herself posing with a work-plan as she went to sign on for Job Seekers Allowance (right)

When asked what she ‘stood for’, during an interview with Dazed Digitial magazine, she said: ‘I think as long as we are kind and gentle to others and, more importantly, ourselves then everything is bless.’

The blacklash on social media has been so severe it has caused the former model and shop assistant to take down her Instagram page.

The London-based artist has exhibited her work at shows in Britain and the US.

It is said to mix graffiti with abstract styles, with previous pieces being called ‘you’re a snake’ and ‘screw’.

On her website she writes that her work: ‘represents both the light and dark that comes with simply existing.’