Aussies are mocking Americans for JUST discovering electric kettles

Aussies ruthlessly mock their American counterparts for only JUST discovering electric kettles: ‘They might even make decent coffee one day’

  • Australians have mocked America for only just discovering the electric kettle
  • It’s long been known that the US heats up their water on the stove instead
  • But in a recent New York Times article the Yanks were being sold on electric
  • The article headline read: ‘A swift and easy way to heat water without a stove’ 

Aussies have mocked America for seemingly only just discovering that electric kettles exist and save a lot of time boiling water than using the stove does.

It’s long been a bizarre quirk of the United States’ that it refused to move with the times on the topic of electric kettles, while the UK has been enjoying the tea-creating device for more than a century.  

The New York Times recently published an article with the headline ‘A swift and easy way to heat water without using a stove’, sharing a list of products it recommended purchasing to make the most of the new ‘trend’.

‘Consider the electric kettle. Many models will even let you set a precise temperature – key for getting the best flavour out of your coffee or tea,’ the article continued. 

It’s long been a bizarre quirk of the United States’ that it refused to move with the times on the topic of electric kettles, while the UK has been enjoying the tea-creating device for more than a century

Australian journalist Benjamin Law shared a screenshot of the title on Instagram with many Americans forced to defend their ‘new discovery’.

‘Kettles are a new thing there? I knew they were living in the 1940s but I didn’t know it was that bad …’ wrote one person.

‘They might even start drinking decent coffee one day,’ added another.

‘My grandparents used to destroy an electric kettle each visit to Australia, by putting it on the stove,’ explained another.

One person savagely declared: ‘All pointless, Americans are incapable of making decent tea or coffee anyway’.

'Kettles are a new thing there? I knew they were living in the 1940s but I didn't know it was that bad …' wrote one person (stock image)

‘Kettles are a new thing there? I knew they were living in the 1940s but I didn’t know it was that bad …’ wrote one person (stock image)

‘Look, we finally got chips on our debit and credit cards. Go easy on us here,’ one said.

And in their defence: ‘The voltage doesn’t support using an electric kettle with the efficiency we enjoy in Australia. Everyone in my (American) family uses a stovetop kettle.’

The New York Times has changed the title of its article to ‘The best electric kettle’ after sighting the debate online.

Adam Foskey, who moved from the southern US state of Georgia to Melbourne, spoke on the topic in February, revealing that Americans tend to make tea by boiling water on the stove rather than using a kettle. 

In a video posted to his popular TikTok page, Adam makes tea as he would in America – by filling a pot with water and bringing it to a boil on the stove – then again as he would in Australia – by simply flicking on the kettle. 

American expat, Adam Foskey, has caused a stir online after pointing out one major difference between US and Australian kitchens

American expat, Adam Foskey, has caused a stir online after pointing out one major difference between US and Australian kitchens

In a video to TikTok the Georgian man who now lives in Melbourne, showed that Americans make tea by boiling a pot of water on the stove

While Australians simply flick on the kettle which is not a common kitchen gadget in the states

America vs Australia: In a video to TikTok the Georgian man who now lives in Melbourne, showed that Americans make tea by boiling a pot of water on the stove while Australians simply flick on the kettle

Hundreds of Aussie viewers in the comments were shocked to discover that Americans don’t use the ubiquitous kitchen gadget at the time.


How do you boil water for your tea?

  • Kettle 1396 votes
  • Stove 58 votes

‘What! America doesn’t have kettles!? Did they forget? Or.. what??’ one wrote.  

‘I remember struggling to make a tea in the USA using the coffee maker, called downstairs for a kettle I got silence,’ said another. 

‘Note to self: Pack the kettle for Disneyland trip,’ a third joked. 

Some pointed out that many Americans skip the stove altogether and use the microwave while others tried to explain why kettles were so uncommon. 

‘I read a whole thread by Americans this morning about boiling water on the stove vs in the microwave…’ one person said. 

‘It’s that the power outlets are low voltage in US so kettles don’t really work or would be super slow to heat,’ another user explained. 

Hundreds of Aussie viewers in the comments were shocked to discover that Americans don't use electric kettles but boil their water on the stove or in the microwave instead

Hundreds of Aussie viewers in the comments were shocked to discover that Americans don’t use electric kettles but boil their water on the stove or in the microwave instead
