Australian Julian Assnage visited by government officials

  • Two Australian government officials were seen visiting the Ecuadorian embassy
  • Julian Assange’s lawyer confirmed it was to meet with the Wikkileaks founder 
  • Assange entered the embassy because he was facing extradition to Sweden

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been paid a mysterious visit by officials from the Australian government in a sign that the six year stalemate may come to an end.

Two officials from Australia’s High Commission went to the Ecuadorian embassy where Mr Assange is living. 

It is the first time Australian consular officials have visited Assange at the embassy.  

Two Australian government officials were seen visiting the Ecuadorian embassy where Assange (pictured) is living 

Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, confirmed the meeting took place to Fairfax but would not say what it was about.

‘Julian Assange is in a very serious situation’ she said. ‘He remains in the embassy because of the risk of extradition to the US. That risk is undeniable after numerous statements by Trump administration officials including the director of the CIA and the US attorney-general.’ 

‘Given the delicate diplomatic situation we cannot comment further at this time.’ 

Assange entered the embassy in 2012 because he was facing extradition to Sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations and had exhausted the appeals process.  

While Swedish authorities have closed their investigation Assange faces arrested for breach of bail conditions.  

Assange's lawyer confirmed it was to meet with the Wikkileaks founder (pictured)

Assange’s lawyer confirmed it was to meet with the Wikkileaks founder (pictured)

His internet and phone connections were cut off by the Ecuadorian government six weeks ago and he was denied visitors.

According to court documents his health is declining and he has serious tooth problems, respiratory infections, depression and a frozen shoulder.

Ecuadorian officials have suggested publicly that they want the situation resolved. 

He has complained several times that the Australian government has not offered him consular assistance. 

