Australian men ranked 43rd in the world for penis size an international survey

Aussie blokes are ranked just 43rd on the world pecker order – but don’t worry, your bulge is still bigger than British and American men

  • Aussie men had an average of 14.46cm placing them ahead of the US and the UK 
  • Top three most well-endowed men were found in South America and Africa 
  • The survey analysed data from 86 countries and ranked men biggest to smallest 

Australian men come up short when it comes to penis size compared to dozens of other countries, according to a worldwide survey.

They only rank in the middle of the pecker order in 43rd position of 86 countries surveyed, with an average erect length of 14.46cm.

However, it’s not all bad news for Aussie blokes as they comfortably beat the global average of 14.097cm.

Australian men ranked in 43rd place in a survey that measured the average penis size of men around the world

Men in the US reported an average size of 13.58cm, which ranked them seven places ahead of lads in the UK with an average of 13.13cm in 66th place. 

Online pharmacy From Mars conducted the survey by gathering Google data from 86 countries and ranked the world’s manhood from biggest to smallest. 

Ecuador claimed top spot as the most well-endowed with an average of 17.61cm, which is more than 10 per cent of their average height.

African nation Cameroon came in second with an average of 16.67cm, followed by Bolivia in South America with 16.51cm.

Ecuador ranked first with the most well-endowed men at 17.61cm, closely followed by Cameroon and Bolivia in the survey conducted by online pharmacy From Mars

Ecuador ranked first with the most well-endowed men at 17.61cm, closely followed by Cameroon and Bolivia in the survey conducted by online pharmacy From Mars

Sudan and Caribbean nation Haiti rounded off the top five with 16.47cm and 16.01cm respectively.

Pharmacist Navin Khosla, who reviewed the study, said the size of a man’s member often have a massive impact on self-image and confidence.

‘Whether people are concerned about the size or the shape, or any other aspect for that matter, most of us have wondered at some point or another whether ours is big enough,’ he said.  

The study found Cambodian men had the smallest penises at just 10.04cm, behind the underwhelming Taiwan at 10.78 cm and the Philippines with 10.85cm.

Men should not be disheartened if they do not measure up as the study relied on self-reported data to determine the average penis size of a nation – leaving the possibility that respondents were generous with their measurements.

When asked if size really matters, Mr Khosla said: ‘Ultimately, the answer is maybe, maybe not.

‘The truth is, that the owner of the penis is far more likely to be worried about the size of their penis than their sexual partners are.’ 

The survey relied on self-reported data from 86 countries to determine the average penis size of a nation and ranked them from biggest to smallest

The survey relied on self-reported data from 86 countries to determine the average penis size of a nation and ranked them from biggest to smallest
