Australian of the Year Grace Tame slams Scott Morrison’s Assistant Minister for women Amanda Stoker

Australian of the Year Grace Tame has slammed Prime Minister Scott Morrison for appointing a female minister she claims endorsed a ‘fake rape crisis tour’.

Senator for Queensland Amanda Stoker, who is considered a rising star in the Liberal Party, was selected as the Assistant Women’s Minister this week in the cabinet reshuffle.  

Speaking to journalist Kerry O’Brien at a Griffith University event about sexual assault and power relations, Ms Tame blasted the decision, pointing to Ms Stoker’s past campaign against changes to consent laws. 

‘The new Assistant Minister for Women is someone who previously endorsed a “fake rape tour” aimed at falsifying instances of sexual abuse on school and university campuses across Australia,’ Ms Tame said on Tuesday.

Australian of the Year Grace Tame has slammed the Prime Minister’s decision to appoint Senator Amanda Stoker as the new Assistant Women’s Minister during an event on Tuesday night (pictured)

‘It goes without saying that this came at an immeasurable cost to already traumatised student survivors.’ 

Ms Tame also hit out at the Prime Minister, accusing him of ‘dismissing her’ when she spoke to him at an event in January about the need for a permanent taskforce to tackle sexual abuse. 

‘He dismissively insisted that such infrastructure already existed and functioned well,’ Ms Tame said.

‘Two months later, in an attempt to repair his political standing following explosive allegations of sexual assault, discrimination, and misconduct in parliament, he has rearranged his cabinet and created a Taskforce on Women’s Equality, Safety, Economic security, Health, and Wellbeing.’

Ms Tame also highlighted how the assistant minister has supported a controversial commentator who expressed sympathy for her abuser in an interview.

In 2017, commentator Bettina Arndt published an interview with the man convicted of raping Ms Tame, suggesting she may have behaved provocatively. 

Ms Arndt last year received an Australia Day award for her contribution to gender equity, which was roundly criticised by survivor advocates.

The Senator for Queensland (pictured) supported a 'fake rape crisis tour' which campaigned against changes to consent laws

The Senator for Queensland (pictured) supported a ‘fake rape crisis tour’ which campaigned against changes to consent laws

However, Senator Stoker publicly backed the award.

‘The new Assistant Minister also supported last year’s Australia Day Honour of a woman [Arndt] who gave a platform to the convicted paedophile who abused me,’ Ms Tame said.

‘A woman who laughed with the paedophile while they discussed and defended crimes against children.’ 

Ms Tame said in appointing the senator to the new role, the prime minister was either ignorant of the issues, or understood them and was making calculated moves to perpetuate them.

‘If the latter is true, then what we’re seeing is further abuse of power, masterfully disguised as progress,’ she posted on social media.

‘The very same psychological manipulation at the heart of these recently exposed evils.’

However, Ms Stoker said her previous career as a prosecutor and barrister working for justice for women and children who are victims of sexual crimes made her an ideal candidate for the position. 

‘Ms Tame’s comments are passionate but not informed and they do not correspond with my longer history of work in this area, of which Ms Tame must be unaware,’ Ms Stoker said in a statement to Daily Mail Australia. 

Ms Tame said the prime minister was either ignorant of the issues, or understood them and was making calculated moves to perpetuate them by appointing Ms Stoker to the new role

Ms Tame said the prime minister was either ignorant of the issues, or understood them and was making calculated moves to perpetuate them by appointing Ms Stoker to the new role 

‘I hope that she and I can work together to advance our many shared goals. I invite Ms Tame to reach out to my office for a meeting, I will endeavour to make contact with Ms Tame to do the same.’

Ms Stoker also denied taking part in the university tour with Ms Arndt.

‘I did not attend Ms Arndt’s campus tour. I raised it in Senate estimates to highlight the universities’ inconsistent approaches to free speech and deplatforming,’ she said. 

‘I’ve argued for the importance of due process in sexual assault cases in the interests of both victims and people accused.’

‘I pointed out the hypocrisy of demanding Ms Arndt be stripped of her Australia Day honour while remaining silent about another recipient, Mr Carlton, who advocated for the strangling of my parliamentary colleague, Ms Flint.’

The prime minister’s appointment of Senator Stoker has also drawn criticism for several other reasons.

Senator Stoker has accused women from her own side of politics of ‘playing the gender card’ when they have raised bullying allegations.

Ms Tame (pictured with Kerry O'Brien) also hit out at the Prime Minister for dismissing her calls to launch a permanent taskforce to combat sexual assault, only to do it two months later amid a parliament house scandal

Ms Tame (pictured with Kerry O’Brien) also hit out at the Prime Minister for dismissing her calls to launch a permanent taskforce to combat sexual assault, only to do it two months later amid a parliament house scandal 

She strongly opposes abortion as well as transgender rights, arguing ‘gender isn’t something you choose’.

Another woman promoted in Scott Morrison’s cabinet reshuffle has also come under fire.

Karen Andrews, who was elevated to home affairs minister after calling for change over the treatment of women in parliament, has been accused of bullying.

She denies the allegations.

The Australian reports the claims have been made by a female senior adviser, who is on stress leave after complaining about the culture in the minister’s office.

The woman made an initial written complaint in August and another in March when Ms Andrews was still industry, science and technology minister.

‘The manner in which I have been treated is disrespectful, humiliating and demeaning,’ the woman wrote.

‘This bullying conduct has occurred over the last six to eight months and appears designed to force my departure from my employment.

‘However, given I have not done anything wrong, I do not believe I should be forced to leave my job and put myself in a very difficult financial position.’

During the recent turmoil in federal parliament surrounding the treatment of women, Ms Andrews was one of the most prominent ministers to demand change. 

Tuesday night’s comments were not the first time Ms Tame has criticised the Prime Minister in recent months. 

The sexual assault survivor slammed Mr Morrison during her National Press Club address after he said he had discussed allegations former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins had been raped by a male colleague with his wife Jenny.

The nation’s leader said he was inspired to tackle parliament’s sexual assault crisis after his wife said: ‘What would you want to happen if it were our girls?’

Ms Tame responded  that you didn’t need to be a parent to have the capacity to empathise with sexual assault victims. 

She also criticised Mr Morrison’s comments in 2019 – when he said he wanted women to have the confidence ‘that if they tell their stories they’ll be believed’. 

When asked by a reporter if she believed his words rang true based on how he has handled the parliamentary scandal, Ms Tame responded: ‘Clearly not’.